About our garden
Our garden, begun in 1991, is home to approximately 2,000 roses: hybrid teas, floribundas, climbers and mini‑roses. First blooms are enjoyed during April and May. June through August are spent weeding and deadheading. The cooling in Autumn brings another flush of bloom before we let the garden slip into dormancy at the end of the year.
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Since 1991
Our garden, begun in 1991, is home to approximately 2,000 roses: hybrid teas, floribundas, climbers and mini‑roses.
In addition, there are many succulents and xeriscape plant sections.
Our January and February workshops, open to the public, concentrate on pruning, while March and April activities include pruning and fertilizing.
First blooms are enjoyed during April and May. June through August are spent weeding and deadheading.
The cooling in Autumn brings another flush of bloom before we let the garden slip into dormancy at the end of the year.
Rose Haven is located at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, at the corner of Cabrillo Avenue and Jedediah Smith Rd.
Rose Haven Heritage Garden is a member of the American Public Gardens organization and also a certified wildlife sanctuary recognized by the National Wildlife Federation in 2011.
Visitors (and photographers) are always welcome, and there is ample parking on site. Professional photographers are expected to make a suitable donation for using the garden. For more information submit this form to apply.
The garden is open every day of the year from dawn to dusk. Please do not cut the flowers – leave them for others to enjoy.
For more information send this ‘Contact Us’ email form.
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