Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

TVRS rose logo
The Valley Rose ARS logo

August 2020  Vol. 31, No. 08

Co-Presidents' Message

by Linda Freeman

TVRS Co-Presidents

Hopefully we are all surviving the up-and-down heat waves - Frank Brines has great summer rose care tips in current and past newsletters. Rose Haven has been abuzz with activity from mulch to pathways and a renovation of the Tree of Life garden area a very grand renovation of the pond ! Many thanks to our members who contributed to these very large projects and "Thank you" to members who used their recreation time during our "Stay at Home" periods to come to the garden and weed and replace water valves.

Our August Friends tea meeting at the library is postponed as the Library Community room is still closed. We are going to do a Member Meeting via Zoom on Thursday August 20 at 10 AM so mark your calendars! An invitation to join the meeting will be sent out to all current members in early August with details.

I am sure many of you have taken classes or visited with friends on the Internet, and if you have any ideas for our Society to provide you with programs or updates, please let us know via Email (temroses@gmail.com), and which platforms were the easiest and best for your use: ZOOM, YouTube, Webinar or Facebook Live?

Rosey Sharings will continue, and a BIG "Thank You" to all of the members who send in pictures and information about their personal gardens as well as Rose Haven.

AUGUST MEETING , Thursday, August 20, 2020 10 AM
Topic - Rose Haven Heritage Garden updates - Summer 2020
This will be a virtual meeting and invitations will be sent early August to all members with meeting details and how to join online.
We will be doing a ZOOM meeting.

by Brenda Bjahanbani

TVRS Co-Presidents

It's been such a long time since we have all been together. I really miss everyone. I miss our monthly meetings, the friendly socializing, the interesting speakers and our monthly luncheons. These times are challenging, but they are temporary and it will be so exciting when we can meet again. The most important thing for us to do right now is take care of ourselves and each other.

There is still a lot of activity going on in our society. Some of our committees continue to meet via conference call. The Rose Haven committee meets regularly to plan new renovations for the garden. The Fundraising committee meets frequently to plan fundraising activities. You will be hearing a lot about these in the coming weeks. The Board members still meet every month. We are forming a new committee that will focus on social media. Please let us know if you are interested in becoming involved in any of these committees.

I hope everyone will join us for our first ever Zoom meeting in August. If you have any questions you would like the Board to answer at our Zoom meeting you can email me. My email address is in our Roster, or you can send and email to me here (temroses@gmail.com).

Temecula Valley Women's Club Donates to Rose Haven

by Nancy Fitness

The Rose Haven Garden Committee has been hard at work completing some of the projects we had slated for 2020. One of those projects was a full renovation of the pond and the addition of a beautiful rock waterfall. Rebecca Weersing and Diane Gonzales did such a fabulous job with their vision of this garden feature and overseeing the entire project. I am sure more details will follow from one of these committee members.

As a member of the Temecula Valley Women's Club I chose to serve on that club's Conservation Committee. They are a wonderful organization that does fund raising throughout the year so that they can donate to various community projects, support services, and student scholarships. They operate as we do on donations, fund raising, and many hours of volunteer work by its members.

Serving as an active member of both of these great clubs, it seemed to me that we could both benefit from the support of the other. The Women's Club has donated to Rose Haven Garden in the past with the planting of apple trees in our Tree of Life Garden and volunteer hours by at least two of their members who are or have been members of the Rose Society, Barb Purdy and Margaret Meyncke. I would urge our members to consider joining this club of proactive women and to get involved in one of their sub‑committees to make a difference in any way, no matter how small. Together it all adds up to something big we can all be proud of. Check out their website for more information.

This year the Conservation Committee voted to donate $500.00 to the Rose Society for the benefit of Rose Haven Heritage Garden, specifically the pond project. We had strong support from many of the members of the committee who are aware of the fine education seminars and events we offer at the garden during the year. Some members of the committee hadn't been to the garden in years and some weren't aware of its existence. Having brought the garden to their attention with the improvements we have planned before our 30th Anniversary, they are anxious to arrange a group visit to the garden. We will host a tour and welcome event to all of the members of the Conservation Committee when we are able to do it safely. And I will make sure they are aware of all of our future events, so they can attend.

Let's hope that we can resume our meetings in the near future, practicing all necessary safety measures, of course. I have invited the 21 members of the Conservation Committee to attend our Rose Society meetings as our guest, so if you see some new faces please introduce yourself and thank them for their donation.

Help Us Grow Our Garden

by Diane Gonzalez

The most important components for any garden to prosper and grow are WATER, nutrients, air, light, temperature and time. Did you know that water makes up 85% to 95% of the weight of living plants? Water is vital for the life and survival of all plants. Without water the plants would die. I think it is safe to say we are all aware of these facts. However, there are many areas of the Rose Haven Heritage Garden that are not receiving this vital resource. As stewards of a garden ask yourself "How can this be and how can I help?"

There are 15 valves, or sections, in the Rose Haven Heritage Garden. The Fundraising Committee raised enough funds to completely overhaul all 15 valved systems. In addition, committee members donated their Saturday mornings for two months, replacing every system. This was a huge commitment, from both a financial standpoint and volunteer hours commitment. This will go a very long way in making sure the garden has the water it needs to thrive. But that is only the beginning. Much of the irrigation line for each valve is inoperable, buried underground, split, or does not function. The next step of the project is repairing and replacing the irrigation line. This is a HUGE undertaking.

We are asking for Rose Haven Heritage Garden volunteers to "Adopt a Valve" or section of the garden. The ask is simple: volunteers will select a valve system in the garden and repair, replace and fix the irrigation line in that section of the garden. All product for the replacement and repair will be provided along with guidance, support and instruction. With these collective efforts, the garden will flourish, and the wildlife as well as the community will benefit from its beauty and enhancement of the environment. As we have seen from the efforts thus far with the pond, Hall of Fame, and now the irrigation system, when volunteers put their hearts, minds and muscles to work great things can be accomplished.

Interested in participating in the program? Contact the Rose Haven Committee today and get started. Thank you in advance for your dedication and commitment to this project. Your efforts will not go unnoticed as the foliage in the garden begins to get the needed water, nutrients and the attention they need to thrive.

In Memoriam: Kathy Turgeon

from Brenda Jahanbani

Kathy Turgeon

We have some sad news to share: Our long time member, Kathy Turgeon, passed away on July 8. Kathy was very active in the Rose Society for many years, serving on the board of directors until December 2019. She helped in the kitchen preparing food for our luncheons, and was in charge of the Sunshine committee that sent cards to our members acknowledging special occasions.

Kathy also loved to go line dancing and was active in several other clubs. We will all miss her.

Monthly Program

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic there will NOT be an August meeting at the library. Thank you for your under­standing. Stay home and stay safe.

Date: Thursday, August 20  meeting postponed - the Library is "closed until further notice" .

Until then let's all see what you have blooming in your gardens and at Rose Haven, and share tips by emailing to Linda Freeman at lee.linda@verizon.net so we can share and have a virtual garden tour this spring. Also, visit us on Facebook for roses from around the world as well as local rose information.

Many thanks for all the Rosey Sharing input. Everyone's roses look great, as does Rose Haven, which has been busy with 'Tree of Life', 'Hall Of Fame', irrigation and planning projects, and now mulching. Has everyone finished their mulching yet? We are not able to have a meeting again this month as the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula library will be opening around August 19. Our usual event calendar is dark in July so we hope to meet in August. Rosey Sharings will stay in touch as members share their gardens and Rose Haven projects through the summer.

Birthdays and New Members

Birthdays New Members

Birthdays for July: Bonnie Bell 7/28, Karen Hartnett 7/27, Barb Purdy 7/13, Robin Sands 7/31

Birthdays for August: Kathy Budd 8/9, Kathleen Letts 8/15, Rick Letts 8/14, Ellen Noell 8/11, Fred Ortega 8/31, Diane Gonzalez 8/1.

 |⯈ No new members this month.

Rose Haven Flora

by Bonnie Bell

Bonnie Bell

Our rose of the month is Dick Clark, a spectacular Grandiflora. The petals are cream and cherry swirls with a light cinnamon fragrance and long cutting stems. The foliage is vigorous and with its super shiny-green color it accents the rose beautifully.

Dick Clark is an All-American Rose Selection winner and has an ARS rating of 7.8 and grows extremely well in the Temecula Valley area.

You can see the outstanding Dick Clark with its five inch blooms and four foot height in the Original Garden Area.

'Dick Clark' rose bush

'Dick Clark' rose bush

'Dick Clark' blossom

'Dick Clark' blossom

How Does Our Garden Grow?

by Rebecca Weersing

Rebecca Weersing

Our newly constructed waterfall cries out for plants that will soften the look of the rocks on the backside of the wall, and also plants that will discourage people from climbing on them. We want plants that do not produce a lot of litter that will clog the pond filters. The plants should also have year‑round interest, with texture and fragrance.

Photo 2 is a side shot of the waterfall. We want a pleasant path to the bench. The plantings could be a bit taller away from the pond and rocks and more compact/low growing closer to the pond and rocks.

Our Rose Haven Committee often receives homework assignments. Join us as we will all have indoor days this summer going into fall that are too uncomfortable to be outside. Imagine what plants you would suggest that we plant. All suggestions are welcome. Email here with subject 'plants for waterfall area'.

A year from now this area will be spectacular, with your help.

Pond rocks

New rock landscaping

Photo 2

The waterfall

Rose Care FUNda­men­tals

by Frank Brines, Master Consulting Rosarian

Frank Brines

Summer is certainly upon us—and based on past experience, it's only going to get hotter before it gets cooler. (I didn't need to tell you that at the beginning of August, did I?)

Since high summer temperatures and less-than-ideal conditions for roses are inevitable for the next couple of months, let's get ready! Stroll through your gardens in the morning, look for leaf wilt, drying or discoloring of leaves and the general leaf reflectance (surface luster). If it appears dull, investigate the plant for disease, drought, or pests. If you've taken my advice, you're letting your roses continue their summer dormancy until about mid-September. Struggling to remain hydrated will likely produce poor quality blooms. Just remove and discard the withered petals and let the hips develop, keep the bed clean of debris, and DON'T fertilize. Be sure your irrigation program is in good condition and delivering needed water. It doesn't take long for a rose to suffer once its irrigation supply fails.

Chilli Thrips are a year-round pest but they love hot summer days best. They are 0.016 – 0.024 inch long, one fourth the size of the Western Flower Thrip. You'll know Chilli Thrips are present only when new foliage and blooms are already damaged. Blooms will be deformed, discolored and outer petals will be darkened (Image 1). Buds will be distorted, darkened and may not open (Image 2). You'll notice misshapen distorted new foliage and bronzing on back of new leaves (Image 3).

Deformed blooms

Image 1

Deformed rose bud

Image 2

Deformed foliage

Image 3

Image 1 - Deformed and discolored blooms indicate a Chilli Thrip infestation. The rose in the foreground is Marilyn Monroe. Photo - Rita Perwich (used by permission).

Image 2 - Deformed rose buds.

Image 3 - Misshapen and deformed new foliage and bronzing on the back of the new foliage exhibit the rasping damage caused by Chilli Thrips. Photo: Baldo Villegas.

Chilli Thrips love ALL new foliage and bloom colors, unlike Western Flower Thrips who prefer light colors. It's astounding the amount of damage they can do in a very short time. Control is easiest in the earliest stages since a severe infestation can rapidly defoliate a rose bush AND your other plants too. During hot weather the life cycle for Chilli Thrips is 11 days. Part of that time is spent in soil or debris under the plants. The larvae stage molt into a pupal stage and usually enter the soil or debris to eventually emerge as adults. Only the larvae and adults are feeding stages. Adults are dispersed by wind over long distances.

Integrated pest management stresses the importance of cultural, mechanical and biological controls before resorting to the least toxic chemical control. Since Chilli Thrips have a short life cycle (11 days) you must detect damage and implement a method of control immediately. Cut out damaged buds, blooms and leaves. Remove all fallen leaves and petals from garden. A natural hero in the fight is the minute pirate bug which feasts on all stages of this pest.

If chemical control becomes needed choose the least toxic spray and follow label directions. During infestation all new growth will need to be sprayed weekly. "Conserve" or "Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew" concentrate are two organic sprays with the active ingredient Spinosad. Spinosad will not harm ladybugs, green lacewings, pirate bugs or predatory mites. Spray early in morning or in evening when bees are less likely to be active.

During you daily tour of your garden look for any changes. Examine the lower leaves. If they appear yellow or brown, have fine webbing and/or look dirty, there may be an infestation of spider mites. They thrive in hot weather. They're generally found on the undersides of those leaves. A quick check can be made by lightly running your fingers across the underside of the leaf. If it has a small grainy feel it most likely is the spider mite. A strong spray of water from below followed by an overhead shower should take care of the problem or, at least, hold it in check. Give the shower early in the day so the plant has time to dry before the sun becomes hot. Do this every 3 days for 10-14 days, inspecting regularly. It may be necessary to repeat after a few days if the infestation is heavy. Removing the bottom leaves approximately 8" from soil level can help in reducing or eliminating the spider mite problem. This should be done earlier, prior to an infestation.

The world is dangerous enough for plants, but we gardeners are also faced with risks. One is a dangerous fungus with the scientific name Sporothrix schenckii. It afflicts humans with the fungus infection sporotrichosis which is often referred to as the Rose Thorn (or Rose Gardener's) Disease. The fungus resides on hay, sphagnum moss, the tips of rose thorns and in soil. It can cause infection, redness, swelling and open ulcers at the puncture site. The fungus can also spread to the lymphatic system and move on to the joints and bones where it ends up attacking the central nervous system and lungs when the thorn or thorns are deeply embedded. A relatively uncommon condition, diagnosis can be complicated. Physicians often mistake it as Staph or Strep infection. Be sure to inform your physician that you are a gardener so appropriate diagnosis and treatment are rendered.