AUDIT: Meets once a year in February to review prior year accounting records, bank
reconciliations, deposits, and receipts.
BEAUTIFICATION: A branch of Community Outreach assists in local community
projects with planning and planting of roses at various schools, libraries, or other
BUDGET: Meets once a year early in January to plan a budget for the new fiscal year.
BY-LAWS: Reviews our Bylaws for appropriateness. Meets only as needed.
COMMUNICATIONS: Provides meeting and special announcement or advertising
information via email, newspapers, website, telephone, newsletter and other media.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Support local youth
garden activities at schools, and Boys and Girls Club. Weekly and monthly activities.
GARDEN WORKSHOPS: Teach or assist with visitors and members at our educational
workshops at Rose Haven Garden. Meets the third Saturday each month except July and
HISTORIAN: Maintains historical records of the Society.
HOSPITALITY: Provides food for our monthly member meeting luncheons.
CLUB LIBRARIAN: Provides Society owned books and materials at the member
meetings for members to take home and read.
MEMBERSHIP: Maintains the membership information and seeks to welcome and orient new members
into Society functions.
PROGRAMS: Provides speakers or programs for our monthly member meetings.
PUBLICATIONS: Accumulates monthly articles and edits information for the online newsletter.
ROSE HAVEN GARDEN: Volunteers work together at our public garden pruning,
planting, deadheading, weeding generally every 4th Wednesday and other mornings. Plans picnics, BBQs, and other gatherings. Development committee meets the fourth
Saturday every month at the garden.
MEMBER CONTACT: Once a month contact members to remind them of the upcoming
member meeting.
WAYS & MEANS: Develops drawings, auctions, raffles or other means to raise funds for the
Society to be used as scholarships, education, community outreach or other activities.
YOUTH GARDENING: Families in the Garden hosts speakers and hands-on
activities for younger children and their families. Youth Gardening utilizes the 'Tree of
Life' garden in learning how to plant, harvest and care for vegetables.