Temecula Valley Rose Society Newsletter for October, 2021

October 2021

Co-President's Message, by Rebecca Weersing

TVRS Co-Presidents

The last year plus has certainly been a challenge for all of us. There is a glimmer of hope that we will be able to meet at the Ronald H. Roberts Public Library beginning in early 2022. Between now and then the Board of Directors will continue to enhance our tech-savvy skills in order to bring a greater variety of speakers and educational opportunities be it at the library, at the garden or in the comfort of our own homes.

Our October meeting will be at the garden with a Little Rose Show demonstration and practice session. Sharing blooms from our gardens is exciting given the variety of roses that are grown by each of us. November will be in the comfort of our own homes. December we will meet at the garden for installation of Board members and officers and presentation of awards.

Little Rose Show

by Virginia Boos

In the recent past, when we had more freedom of greeting each other in person, our members enjoyed the Little Rose Show at the monthly library meetings. Who would win a "first" for their perfect blossom? Who would win Rose of The Day? Who would win the annual awards?

Entering the show is easy. At the October meeting at Rose Haven, I'll be doing a demonstration of just what is expected. There are some simple rules to follow, shown at the end of this article. It is meant to be a learning experience, as well as some fun with a bit of friendly competition.

For this demonstration all materials will be supplied. Interested members can then clip a rose or two from our own RH garden and attempt to create an entry. Vases, clippers and supplies will be on hand. If you want to bring a bloom from your own garden, you can do that. Be sure it's in water! (a common mistake).

Information for the Little Rose Show

It's simple to enter. Check your garden for one or more beauties, almost fully opened, looking fresh. Cut with as long a stem as possible. Do not remove foliage on the stem. Place each bloom in a clear glass vase. (Don't forget the water!). A wedge can be used to raise up or hold the rose in a pleasing position, Then bring your entries to our meeting,. Each exhibitor is limited to 6 entries.

There are six Classes to be entered. Hybrid tea and grandiflora; floribunda without side buds; miniature without side buds; floribunda spray; miniature spray; and unknown variety. An entry tag is filled out. An advisor will be on hand to help with questions. Try it for fun and a little friendly competition. Who will win the awards?

October 2021 Program

Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Rose Haven Heritage Garden Education Pavilion, 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd, Temecula, CA 92592
Topic: LITTLE ROSE SHOW ! - Hands on demonstration for showing your roses.
Presenter: Virginia Boos, Charter Member of TVRS

Come and learn more about showing your roses and enjoy the Rose Garden's fall flush. Members are encouraged to bring some flowers from their gardens (in water). All supplies will be available as well as clippers for those that might want to snip some flowers from the rose garden to participate in this fun program.

Show Your Vase

by Linda Freeman

With the weather cooling, hopefully we will all get a fall flush of roses. I am constantly amazed how some of my personal roses powered through the brutal heat of our summer and now are in bloom despite my best efforts to encourage some dormancy.

Kathy Trudeau has Veterans Honor and Jerusalem Sage displayed and looking great despite the hot summer.

Linda Freeman's garden survived with the Paradise rose along with Sword Fern (both got afternoon shade).

Linda shows one lonely Queen Elizabeth bloomed & is displayed with Crape Myrtle and Autumn Sage which has a very minty fragrance.


Rose Care FUNda­men­tals, by Frank Brines

ARS Master Rosarian

Frank Brines

Well, I always enjoy looking back to last year's care column for the month. October 2020 was the hottest October 1st on record with 102.8°. According to Accuweather the average normal temps for Temecula is high 83° and low 54°. The average for 2020 was high 86.8° and low 55.7°. Predictions for October 2021 is mild 90s the first week decreasing to 80's by month end. Just to show climate is changing.

All this is helpful for garden activities this month. Mid-season pruning and fertilizing must be carefully coordinated with weather conditions. When temperatures are in the 90-100s range take care to not remove too much foliage because this can overexpose canes to the fierce sun resulting in sunburn which can damage or kill otherwise healthy canes or entire plants. Heat damage was widespread this year. Make sure to routinely check your irrigation system.

Some gardeners experienced Chilli thrips, and I was one of them. My garden was attacked at the end of September. I missed timely spraying and had to prune more heavily than normal.

Rose Societies are beginning more normal meetings and shows. Orange County Rose Society is sponsoring a show October 23 in Yorba Linda in the Nixon Library. There are possibly two shows in November. The closest one will be in Palm Desert November 13. I hope my roses will repeat that soon so I will be able to participate. I think all should visit a show when so close, learn what does well in local areas, find a new variety for your garden, and get acquainted with other rose enthusiasts.

If you missed starting your fertilizer program last month it is time to restart now if you're following my summer growing schedule. Make sure plants are thoroughly watered the day before you fertilize. I recommend organic types and alternating with one that includes fish emulsion. This time of year I suggest using a fertilizer that contains a greater percentage of (P) phosphate in relation to (N) nitrogen and (K) potassium to encourage stronger root systems and resistance to stress. A soil test may indicate that you may need some other mineral to make the added phosphate available or if needed.

When temperatures are in the 90°+ and you do not use organics, hold off fertilizing for cooler weather. If you apply a fertilizer dissolved in water early in the day you can apply it right over the bush from top instead of at the base in a well. This application also does a foliar feed. A Hybrid Tea needs about two gallons of solution and should be watered in after a couple of days.

Dry granular products should be scratched into the soil surface around the base of plant to drip line and then watered in. Apply at the recommended concentration on the label. If growing in pots, use half the recommended concentration but apply more frequently. Repeat every two weeks. Alternating with liquid and dry is most beneficial. The last day for fertilizing is 30 days before the "first frost date" which is around mid-November in the Temecula Valley.

It is necessary that plants receive adequate water to stay hydrated. It takes only a few days of 90° temperature for a bush to become seriously stressed and damaged without sufficient water. Hybrid Teas can survive with 3 gallons of water twice a week. Make that your absolute minimum. The composition of soil effects water retention and the time for the soil to dry out. Four inches of good mulch will greatly reduce evaporation of soil moisture. With potted roses this is even more critical.

Gardening makes morning people out of us as that is the best time to assess garden conditions. Look for wilted or dry crispy foliage. If discovered soon enough, dousing severely stressed plants with plenty of water may save it. If you wait until afternoon or evening to inspect it may be too late. After a hot day most plants can appear a little wilted while still receiving sufficient hydration so afternoon checking would give you wrong information.

Routinely inspect the irrigation system to make sure it is delivering water as designed. Correct any problems ASAP: Your plant's life depends on it. Plants in clay pots require more water, plants in plastic pots are better. Soil in any type of pot material can pull away from the sides of the pot and water will just run through and out the drain holes in the bottom. This problem can be corrected by pressing the soil back against the inside sides of the pot when the soil is wet. Saucers under the pots may help too.

Spider mites and Chili thrips are common problems in hot, dry, dusty conditions. This topic was covered in the September care column here.

A valuable bi-monthly magazine which covers rose topics is the American Rose published by the American Rose Society (ARS). Go to the ARS site for more information on obtaining it.

When you have a moment to spare, or feel the need to get away, or when the day cools down, take your favorite beverage, a picnic basket, and visit our local one-of-a-kind Rose Haven Heritage Garden, 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula (the cross street is Cabrillo Avenue). Also, visit our web site here. Spread the joy of roses!