Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

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Rose ARS logo

December 2019  Vol. 31, No. 12

 The newsletter may look better in landscape orientation 

Donation Possibility to TVRS

by Virginia Boos

Do you need to make arrangements for your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) for the 2019 tax year? Don't forget Temecula Valley Rose Society in your plans. Donations are always needed for our Long Term Funding for the Rose Haven Friends account. Contact me or Bonnie Bell for information.


Jump to Frank Brines' FUN­da­men­tals
Jump to Calendar of Events
So, you want to be a writer? Read our newsletter writing guidelines here.

President's Message

by Virginia Boos

TVRS President

Searching back a few years, I found the paperwork for our officer and Board installation, in 1993. Our dear friend and mentor, Zelda Lloyd, gave a special tribute to our fledgling group. She had formed the Riverside Rose Society in 1957 and knew the difficulties we were facing.

She likened the responsibilities of office to a nautical theme; saying that I, as President, would be steering our ship to safe ports. She presented each of us with a package of peppermint Lifesavers, to be used as needed. On my desk, they always reminded me of her and our "fragrant memories". ( I didn't eat them until several years later.)

I've attempted to be the best navigator I can be during 2019. It's been an exciting year, with lots of changes for us, all for the better. My sincere thanks to all the energetic Board members and volunteers who have helped me make this a successful journey. Hoping it will continue to be smooth sailing!

Rose Haven Happenings

by Rebecca Weersing

Saturday, December 7: Winter Garden Holiday, Hot Chocolate and Cookies, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. ♦ Join us for a new adventure, strolling and conversing about our winter garden while enjoying hot chocolate and cookies.

This will be our first Winter Garden Hot Chocolate and Cookies event. We will not know how many will attend our event, so I found a couple of Crockpot Hot Chocolate recipes plus one vegan recipe. I have three large thermoses holding sixty-eight ounces each. I am hoping that will be more than enough for us to enjoy a bit of warmth in the coolish weather with a slight chance of rain predicted for Saturday. We should be cozy and dry under the Education Pavilion.

If you would like to contribute to the festivities, being some different holiday themed cookies to share. Other yummy treats provided will be mini-marshmallows, squirts of canned whipped cream, peppermint sticks, and bowls of small apples and oranges.

Perhaps we could read a couple holiday stories and poems, maybe sing a few songs while we stroll? We should inspect our rose bushes to see whether we can expect roses for our holiday tables and talk about preparing the garden for winter. This year is one to figure out how to enjoy the holidays in our gardens.

Saturday, January 25: Pruning! Pruning! Pruning! We will invite the community for our annual demonstration and hands-on pruning event at Rose Haven. Membership will have a registration table as people arrive. There will be a "Caring for Tools" station. The next station will be a demonstration by Ray and Bonnie on gross pruning (reducing an out of control bush to a manageable size). Virginia and her team will show the finer details of pruning – eliminating dead wood, opening the center of the bush for better airflow, remove any thin weak growth, prune remaining canes to an outward facing bud. Clean-up is the last but a very important step. The waste material is placed in the disposal bin and not in a compost bin. This prevents diseases being unknowingly passed on to other bushes. Master Consulting Rosarian Frank Brines will answer advanced rose care questions at our final Rose Station. Please join us in helping our community learn to prune at Rose Haven. We need many willing hands to create a lovely blooming garden in the spring.

AmeriCorps Volunteers Work at Rose Haven Garden

by Alicia Cline

On Saturday November 23, a group from AmeriCorps came to volunteer Full-time AmeriCorps members receive a modest living allowance for service and health care. Part-time positions may provide a living allowance or they may not. All AmeriCorps members who successfully complete a term of service also receive an AmeriCorps Education Award. at Rose Haven. These young women and men did an amazing job. There were ten volunteers in the group and they were ready to work. They helped breakdown, clear and haul away two of the raised beds in front of the Education Pavilion, cleaned up the center courtyard of catnip and weeds. They did lots of weeding in the Tree of Life, as well as pulled weeds throughout the garden. They helped restructure walkways in The Hall of Fame area, removed some lavender that was overtaking the rose bushes, along with many other tasks.

A big "Thank You" to Nardo. He directed and managed the volunteers like a pro, keeping everyone focused and getting things done. Another big "Thank You" to Carol and Peter Gagliardi. They not only helped with the volunteers, but dug right in with the manual labor, and brought water and snacks for the group.

It was a great experience to get to meet, talk and work along side these young people for the day. They have dedicated a year of their lives to volunteering in communities on the West Coast and doing community service. We couldn't have accomplished a lot of these tasks without their manpower. It was a very successful volunteer day: A Saturday well spent.

AmeriCorps members at work
AmeriCorps members at work
AmeriCorps group
AmeriCorps Group

Rose Gardening: Secrets To Success at Balboa Park

Interested in learning more about growing roses and the secrets to a successful and beautiful rose garden? You are invited to attend a one day event that will transform your rose garden, hosted by the San Diego Rose Society. Cost is $35 and includes lunch and one state-of-the-art pruning shears courtesy of Corona Tools.

When: Saturday, January 4, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Balboa Park.
Cost: $35 per person
Location: Room 101, Casa del Prado, Balboa Park
Reply before December 31, 2019.

How to Reply:
Option 1:
Send a $35 check made payable to San Diego Rose Society and put your name in the Memo.
Mail check to:
San Diego Rose Society
P.O. Box 86124
San Diego, CA 92138-6124

Option 2:
Send an email to san diego rose society@ gmail.com to reply.
We take PayPal for online payment.
Send $35 via PayPal to: membership@sd rose society.org

Grocery Cards Benefit Rose Society

Ann Coakes

Dear Members: I trust that you have made a determined effort to use Stater Bros. Scrip/Gift Cards for your everyday normal purchases. Even in these financially difficult times we all must eat. Purchasing a $100 Scrip Card will let you spend $100 for groceries at Stater Bros. There is no extra expense or donation coming out of your pocket and the Rose Society will get a $6.00 donation for the upkeep of the Garden. Your support is greatly appreciated. Email Ann Coakes to order Scrip Cards, or phone (951) 693‑5635.

Temecula Valley Garden Club

Click here for their upcoming monthly meeting news.
Their Facebook page is here.

This Month's Program

Date: Thursday, December 19

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. See our meeting schedule here.

Place: Ronald H. Roberts Public Library, Community Room B, 30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula

Topic: December Holiday Luncheon and Installation of Officers and Award presentations. Calling all members! Come to the feast, bring a friend! Member Ann Coakes is providing a ham as our main course. Each member is asked to bring either a favorite side dish or a dessert. Ann is also making special raffle baskets – these are an annual treat from Ann.

At our Holiday Luncheon this month the raffle will consist of six gift baskets filled with all kinds of goodies donated by Ann Coakes and Carol Gagliardi. This is a fun filled activity and we always like to see who wins the prizes.

Birthdays and New Members

BirthdaysNew Members

Frank Brines, Dec. 8; Don Nordike, Dec. 18; Roger Bell, Dec. 19; Laurie Moss, Dec. 23; May Olson, Dec. 30.

♦ No new members this month.

Little Rose Show

by Virginia Boos

There were ten entries for the November show table. The choice for Rose of the Day was difficult so 2 were chosen: 'Randy Scott' by Don Nordike and 'Shockwave' by Virginia Boos. Don also entered 'Pope John Paul', 'Red Iceberg', and 'Shakespeare', a many-petaled David Austin rose. Virginia also entered 'Brides' Dream', 'Sunset Celebration', 'Fame', 'French Lace', and 'George Burns' . Peggy Benavides entered a gorgeous 'Double Delight'.

The points have been calculated and the First, Second and Third place awards will be presented at the December holiday meeting. Thanks for the competition! There will be no more shows until April or May when we get our Spring bloom.

Rose Haven Garden

by Bonnie Bell

Bonnie Bell Toyon shrub

The Holidays keep us very busy in December so when it's time to take a break come out and visit the garden for some relaxation. A nice walk around or picnic is just delightful. In the Southwest Garden there are native California Toyon shrubs (also called Christmas Berry) showing off their colorful red berries just for the season.

Starting Saturday, January 4th we will begin pruning the roses along the driveway. Every Wednesday and Saturday will be dedicated to rose pruning starting at 9:00 a.m. An hour or two of your time will be greatly appreciated. On January 25th, we will conduct a rose pruning demonstration for our members and the public. More details about the class will be in the next newsletter.

The Society always appreciates your cash donations to help keep the garden attractive. Roses and other shrubs that have perished need to be replaced along with new irrigation. December is the perfect time to contribute and received a tax deductible receipt for 2019 as the Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. A 501(c)(3) organization is a corporation, trust, unincorporated association, or other type of organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code. Donations to the Rose Society may be tax deductible and tax receipts will be provided upon request.

See the Rose Haven Garden web page here.  Click here to see the Google map to Rose Haven Garden.

November Families in the Garden

by Alicia Cline

Our Families in the Garden event had a great turnout this year. The weather was perfect. We planted tulip and lillie bulbs in two of the Quilt Garden bed boxes. The children planted three types of onions and garlic bulbs in the Tree of Life, under the direction of Victoria Cline. They checked on their cabbages and did a little harvesting. Under the Education Pavilion we put together a fall craft, a harvesting bag, checked out the parts of a bulb under the magnifying glass and quick planted a tulip bulb in planting cups to take home.

Thank you to Ms. Faye and Victoria for helping out immensely during this event. I wouldn't have been able to do it without their help. :) The next event is January 18, 2020.

Families in the Garden activity

Tree of Life Activity: Starting Tomato Plants

by Kathy Katz

Tomato seedlings

You know how you end up looking at YouTube videos about growing different things in hopes of improving your gardening skills? And you know how most of the scruff is a total waste of time? Well, I found one that was so simple and worked so well it made all those wasted hour's worthwhile.

Everyone knows it is almost impossible to get tomatoes to grow from seed without a whole lot of work and equipment and technique. We all buy seedlings, right? So much easier. This is a solution so easy and true I almost didn't try it.

  1. Fill a container with good potting soil.
  2. Slice the desired tomato, fancy heirloom is best, in about 1/3 to 1/2 inch slices and place these on the soil. Make sure the seeds are nice and plentiful in the tomato slices and that not too many are damaged.
  3. Spray surface with preferably unchlorinated water until all is nice and damp.
  4. Sprinkle more soil over the top of the slices of tomato until nicely covered and then spray with water until nice and damp.
  5. Keep in a warm, not too sunny, damp space until seeds sprout, then keep them in a nice sunny place until ready to transplant to the permanent growing space.
  6. Use very diluted fish or seaweed worm fertilizer in the water you spray them with. Keep them moist, but not wet.

I was stunned by the number of seeds that sprouted from three different tomato types. Lotsa luck.

Rose Care FUN­da­men­tals

by Frank Brines, Master Consulting Rosarian

Frank Brines

Depending on which side of the canyon you live, the past few weeks have produced much needed rain – and, for some folks, too much of a good thing. In any case, the roses are appreciating the break. After being buffeted around, shoved from hither to yon, and finally getting a great shower removing the dusty layer from more recent Santa Anas and rehydrated soil a resting period will be a welcome state. Most areas still haven't had temperatures anywhere near frost. Roses could still be seen actively growing and blooming in many Temecula Valley gardens during the Thanksgiving holiday. This cold rain and temperatures will cool the soil and reset the roses' biological clock to slow down and go into some kind of dormancy.

Roses need a four- to six-week rest or "dormancy" period during the winter months. During dormancy, the plants go through natural hormonal changes that prepare them for the next growing season. Dormancy is triggered by a variety of factors. Cold temperatures (including frost) slow the plant's metabolism while cold rains chill the soil further slowing growth rate.

You can help promote dormancy by not deadheading or pruning this month. Allow the rose "hips" to set and mature so they can send hormonal signals to the plant that it's time to rest and marshal it's energy for a vigorous growth spurt in the spring. Just the same, be sure to monitor your plants when daytime temperatures are warm: They still need to be kept hydrated! Also, do NOT fertilize until after your major pruning in January or February. And then only after a couple inches of new growth.

On the topic of pruning: Some gardeners in the Temecula Valley are anxious to prune their roses in December. That's understandable because we haven't had a hard frost yet even though the average date for first frost in our area is November 17. Pruning now not only prevents dormancy, but also produces tender new shoots that will most likely be killed by the next hard frost. So, bottom line: Please wait four to six weeks after the first frost to do your major "spring" pruning. In the event that there is no frost or freeze it is typical to prune by mid February. Watch the TVRS website or local newspapers for the dates for free spring pruning workshops. I will be presenting a one-day/one-time pruning demonstration on January 26, 10 a.m. at Rose Haven Heritage Garden, 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd, Temecula, CA. Come prepared to learn and to participate in this hands-on workshop.

I mentioned last month that the Asian "chili thrip" is spreading rapidly in the Southwest and is becoming a global threat. This pest is extremely successful and particularly resistant to conventional control methods. The chili thrip is even smaller than the thrips we're familiar with. It works in similar ways, only more devastating and more difficult to control. It doesn't seem to have any preferences except new growth of almost any plant and blossoms. Gardeners with whom I've spoken use several different products to gain some control, but a regular program is necessary with applications weekly at least. Its damage resembles the effects of Roundup over spray or rose virus: severely stunted and very narrow leaves, stems, and buds.

Cool, moist air promotes mildew and rust, so be watchful for these fungi. Be prepared also for spraying with a dormant spray immediately after the Spring pruning. Read the label and be sure to buy enough to thoroughly cover plant and garden bed. I find that a two gallon pump sprayer with 2 gallons of mix will cover about 15 rose plants after pruning.

There is still time to order that new rose you have been dreaming about. Garden stores may still be adding to their list of orders, or go to your favorite online nursery and make your order. There are many fine new roses that you simply must have. Many are more disease resistant than in the past. Most nurseries or wholesalers no longer print catalogs, so for a list of current roses available from each you will have to go online.

A few new varieties I find of interest are: At Last (floribunda, good apricot color, fragrance, disease-resistant); Bordeaux (floribunda/WineRed, large blooms, heat tolerant, disease resistant); Easy Spirit (floribunda/White, Hybrid T form, fragrance, hybridizer Tom Carruth, disease resistant, lasting form); Frida Kahlo (floribunda/Scarlet Redstriped gold, small clusters, mild fragrance, disease resistant, compact, hybridizers Christian Bedard & Tom Carruth); Gaye Hammond (Bright Yellow with touches of orange, slight fragrance, disease resistant, bloom making machine); Parade Day (Grandiflora/Fuchsia Pink Striped White, strong fragrance, hybridizer Christian Bedard, holds color); Flowerland (Shrubby, Pink, low (1.5') growing habit, 60-65 petals, fragrant; it would be great for small spaces or enmass); Golden Iceberg (mild spicy fragrance).

For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven Heritage Garden. Click here to see the map to Rose Haven Garden in Temecula, as well as our Society web site at Temecula Valley Rose Society.org. Spread the joy of roses!