Temecula Valley Rose SocietyAn Affiliate of the American Rose Society |
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Jump to Frank Brines' Rose Care FUNdamentals Jump to Calendar of Events So, you want to be a writer? Read our newsletter writing guidelines here. President's Messageby Virginia Boos![]() We all truly enjoyed the Holiday Luncheon. Lots of delicious food was brought by members, and then set out on the decorated table by our efficient volunteer kitchen staff. Thanks to Ann Coakes for bringing the perfect ham. The variety of food brought in is always amazing – it all "works" to create the sumptuous table. Five specially-filled baskets were raffled to the delight of the winners. I'm already looking forward to next year! As we transition into the new year of 2019, I've been reflecting on the history of our rose society. In May of 1990, nearly 29 years ago, a group of rose lovers met and began our journey. So much has happened, with Rose Haven Heritage Garden being our signature project. We arranged many rose shows. Hundreds of members have come and gone. The old rosters are filled with familiar names. New officers and board members have now been chosen. We all will have a learning curve to navigate, so please be patient as we struggle to do our best. In 1993 and 1994, my task was as president for our fledgling group. And it all turned out well; we successfully survived. Now we have solid plans in mind for our future. Looking forward to an exciting year with some new activities and challenges, so just get on board for a fun ride. Rose Haven Committeeby Rebecca Weersing, ChairPhyllis Bettelhem has served as our fearless Garden Angel for the past sixteen years. She has guided us through the expansion, the ongoing maintenance, and the many enhancements to the garden over these years. She has been an inspiration. As a Society, we owe her a debt of gratitude for her leadership, dedication and commitment to Rose Haven. THANK YOU, PHYLLIS, FOR ALL THAT YOU DO AND HAVE DONE!!! Phyllis is passing the Committee Clipboard to me as of this month. We will continue to have our committee meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except July, November and December). We meet at 9:30 am at Rose Haven. Please feel free to stop by for any meeting or become a regular member of the team. In addition to oversight and scheduling of regular maintenance in the garden, we have three projects for 2019: (1) mapping the garden areas (2) identifying our garden plant collections and (3) planning garden enhancements. Happy New Year and Happy Gardening! Ribbon Cutting Ceremonyby Virginia BoosAt the December meeting we honored our new Support Team by cutting a red ribbon to begin our new venture. On board so far: Brenda Jahanbani, Ben Jahanbani, Ray Jacques, Rebecca Weersing, Bonnie Bell, Phyllis Bettelheim, Barb Purdy, Alicia Cline, Ann Schryer, and Virginia Boos. This group will be trained to lead tours around Rose Haven Heritage Garden, acting as hosts and hostesses to welcome our guests to our meetings and social events, as well as to lend assistance anywhere they might be needed. One member of the group will be chosen to act as our contact, making any arrangements as needed. Rose Pruning Demonstration and Workshopby Virginia BoosMr. Frank Brines, our very own Master Consulting Rosarian and Certified Rose Judge, will be conducting a pruning demonstration and hands‑on workshop at Rose Haven Heritage Garden, 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., corner of Cabrillo Rd., on Saturday, January 26th at 10 a.m. Please wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes, no shorts and sandals, and bring your own gloves and tools. Tools should include bypass pruners, loppers for the heavy wood, a weeding tool, and white glue. A sharpening stone would be useful to pass over the blades every 25 cuts or so. Rubbing alcohol can be used to clean the tools, and to dab on an injury to prevent infection. For questions or directions to the garden, phone 1‑951‑695‑1689 or the TVRS cell phone 1‑951‑526‑7436. Grocery Cards Benefit TVRS![]() Dear Members: I trust that you have made a determined effort to use Stater Bros. Scrip/Gift Cards for your everyday normal purchases. Even in these financially difficult times we all must eat. Purchasing a $100 Scrip Card will let you spend $100 for groceries at Stater Bros. There is no extra expense or donation coming out of your pocket and the Rose Society will get a $6.00 donation for the upkeep of the Garden. Your support is greatly appreciated. Email Ann Coakes to order Scrip Cards, or phone 951 693-5635. |
This Month's Program: Date: Thursday, January 17 Time: 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. See our meeting schedule here. Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula Speaker: Lisa Teresi Harri Topic: Getting Ready for the Rose Gardening Year Our speaker is a registered dietician, a personal trainer and a Geri-fit instructor, helping us with ideas to get fit for our gardening chores. Exercise participation will be encouraged. A light buffet luncheon will be served at 11:30. Guests are welcome. January Birthdays & New Members
Little Rose Show Results for 2018by Virginia BoosAwards were made at the December meeting: Ellen Noell, 3rd place; Don Nordike, 2nd place; Virginia Boos, 1st place. Due to hot, dry weather, the fall shows each month had low participation. Hopefully, 2019 will give us more blooms to share. Please try to bring something, even if not perfect, as we all love to see what other members are growing. Rose Haven Gardenby Bonnie Bell![]() On Wednesday, January 9th a volunteer group from Boscia Skin Care will work at the garden pruning and raking leaves. If any of you have extra tools, we could use some that day. The group will be at the garden from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We look forward to the pruning class on Saturday, January 26th given by Frank Brines with Wayne Blizzard conducting tours. Please see the separate article on this annual event that is open to our members and also the public. There is still plenty of color at the garden for one and all to see. The bright yellow Tagetes in the southwest area, and Lavender Dream roses surrounding the gazebo. Please come out for a stroll on your own or join the tour on January 26th. The next garden committee meeting Wednesday, January 23rd at 9:30 a.m. We will discuss projects for 2019. Members interested are always welcome to attend the meeting. Rose Haven is located at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, at the corner of Cabrillo Avenue and Jedediah Smith Rd.
Rose Care FUNdamentalsby Frank Brines, Master Consulting Rosarian![]() Don't jump the gun on this pruning. Next week's weather forecast is for wet, low temperatures in the 30s. Many gardeners mistakenly think that doing their "spring" pruning in December or early January will give them a head start on flower production, but this is a delusion. First, consider that even if January brings us exceptionally warm air temperatures, the soil will still be quite cold, so the roots (and stems) will not be "revved up" for much active growth – your head start won't amount to much. And more importantly, if early pruning is followed by a hard frost you will probably lose the tender young growth and have to prune again. Will the remaining canes be long enough and have enough stored energy for vigorous spring growth? Will you have enough outward-facing buds? Probably not. Simply stated, pruning too early will set back stem growth and flower production, and can ruin your chances of strong, well‑formed plants. So before you pick up those pruners and launch out into the chilly January air, contemplate the odds of another frost or freeze. The frost dates for the Temecula Valley are mid‑November through late March, but we can get damaging frost as late as April. Time your pruning more closely to when the soil begins to warm, air temperatures moderate, and the threat of frost is likely past. Pruning in mid-January (at the earliest) to mid‑February usually strikes a balance between potential frost damage and time to get two or three good bloom cycles in before the brutal summer. New growth will usually appear 2 to 3 weeks after your SPRING pruning, and new blooms 8 to 12 weeks from pruning – if a cold spell doesn't interrupt. January and February are excellent months for planting new roses in the Temecula Valley and environs. Still, one can usually wait until March to plant and still expect the roots to form relationships with beneficial soil fungi and become showstoppers as early as May, well ahead of the summer heat. Potted rose bushes will be optimal for these late plantings. For now, be thinking about adding one or two new roses to your garden in spring. Roses offered for sale are rated by quality. You want only #1 roses – they are the surest guarantee of success, with all horticultural methods employed to provide satisfaction – don't waste your time and money on anything lower. Higher quality plants have a higher chance of success, require less effort, and acclimate faster. Also, the cost of any rose is a very small fraction of what you will eventually invest in that plant over the years in water, fertilizer, pest control, and effort, so why not start with a first-quality plant? |
Roses may come to you as "bare root," potted, or packaged. Bare root plants are just that, usually packed in wood chips to keep the roots damp and viable. They are the slowest to thrive and it is best to get them early and planted immediately so they have the maximum amount of time to become established. (When you acquire a bare root rose, be sure to soak its roots in water for 24 hours, then plant promptly.) Potted roses make the quickest and most successful transition to the garden, but they also tend to be more expensive and not as plentiful in selection, but as I said, the initial cost will pale against what you put into the plant in the years to come. Rose plants are beginning to be stocked at nurseries and retailers now. You might find some good values. There are many sources: local nurseries and reputable online retailers who specialize in roses. New stock will begin appearing in nurseries this month, and online suppliers usually ship in mid-January. (Does that tell you anything?) But be sure to shop early for the best selection-and if you have access to it, be sure to consult your American Rose Society Buyer's Guide (which you will receive with your annual ARS membership or renewal). I received my ARS 2019 Rose Annual edition a month or two ago, and in my opinion it is one of the best (if not the best) issues published so far. It is full of rose info and tips and new varieties one might desire to secure. As I said earlier, I will provide guidance on that all‑important annual Spring pruning in the February column. Also, check local newspapers and nursery websites for schedules of hands‑on pruning classes at different locations and check the TVRS Rose Society website for their pruning schedule at Rose Haven Heritage Garden, located at 30592 Jedediah Smith Road in Temecula (just a few blocks north of Temecula Parkway). Please bring clean, sharp, by‑pass pruners in good working condition, and be prepared to learn and to lend a hand pruning under experienced direction; this will be a great opportunity to get your questions answered, hone your skills, and boost your confidence. I would like to add to the many comments I have received that there is no specific date on which all rose care is done. There are many elements that more or less determine the proper timing. Weather is the primary element as it involves not only air temperature but ground temperature as well. I offer what is a generalization of timing for rose care. Unlike holidays we can't fool Mother Nature and make a specific date on which things in the garden are to be done. For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, at the corner of Cabrillo Avenue and Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, as well as our web site at TemeculaValleyRoseSociety.org/. Spread the joy of roses! Jump to page top. |
TVRS C A L E N D A Rfor 2019 | |
TVRS Members Meeting Ronald H. Roberts Public Library, Community Room B, 30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula (Google map) 3rd Thursday of the month. No meeting in July. From 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. TVRS Board of Directors Meeting The Board meeting locaton is at Atria Vintage Hills, 41788 Butterfield Stage Rd., Temecula 2nd Thursday of the month. No meeting in July. From 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Rose Haven 3rd Saturday Garden Workshop 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, at the corner of Cabrillo Avenue and Jedediah Smith Rd. (Google map) 3rd Saturday. No meeting in July, August & December. From 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. |
Rose Haven Garden Committee Meeting 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, at the corner of Cabrillo Avenue and Jedediah Smith Rd. (Google map) 4th Wednesday of the month (except July, November & December). From 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Little Rose Show Competition at the monthly Member Meeting Apr, May, June, Sept, Oct, Nov. To see entry and judging criteria go here Gardening for Kids in Temecula & Murrieta (this links to Facebook) Programs for youth 12 & under held on 3rd Sat from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information contact Alicia Cline. Activities for 13 & older are coordinated by Barb Purdy. Other Committee Meetings will be announced separately. To see other events on our Society's Event Calendar click here. |
2019 Officers & Directors All Directors and Officers can be contacted here: By phone at (951) 526‑7436 or by email at RosehavenTemecula@gmail.com |
Officers |
Directors |
Thank You to Our Friends• Erin's Tree Service • Pechanga Resort and Casino Grants • Corona Tools • Armstrong Garden Center • Agriscape of Murrieta • City of Temecula • CR&R Disposal • Nutrien Ag Solutions • Riverside County 3rd District • Stater Bros. Market • Weeks Roses |
This newsletter is web-published monthly for members. TVRS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to the purpose of encouraging the appreciation, study, and culture of roses. Members are encouraged to join our affiliate, the American Rose Society, at www.rose.org. Our monthly Member meeting is held the 3rd Thursday of the month (excluding July and August) at 10:00 a.m. at the Ronald H. Roberts Public Library, Community Room B, 30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula. A light lunch is served at 11:30, and guests are welcome.Our mailing address is Temecula Valley Rose Society PO Box 890367 Temecula, CA 92589-0367. Do not send any mail to Rose Haven Garden on Cabrillo Ave. There is no mail box there.For more information about our sponsors go here. For additional information please visit our web site at temeculavalleyrosesociety.org/ |