Temecula Valley Rose Society Newsletter for November, 2021

November 2021

Co-President's Message, by Judy Sundermann

TVRS Co-Presidents

What to do with that pink flower pot that no longer goes with your color scheme? Donate it (and other garden related items) to our garage sale on November 6th at the home of Kathy Trudeau. This past week I've been finding flower pots, vases, garden tools and garden books that need a new home. I've collected some items from my daughter and friends who are happy to find a good purpose for the items they no longer use.

Please help to make this sale a huge success by donating. It would be helpful if you would suggest a price for your items.

All items need to be dropped off at Kathy Trudeau's home November 5th, Friday, by 5:00 p.m. Her address is 31599 Country View Rd., Temecula. The gate access code is 256 if guard is not there.

We expect a big turnout of buyers because the sale is sponsored by Kathy's community association. You will find more information about the sale in an article in this newsletter

Check Your Email!

by Rebecca Weersing

We will not be meeting in person during November which poses a problem for our Annual Election of the 2022 Board of Directors, therefore we have an alternate method of voting this year. You should have received an email with the slate of directors with instructions for voting. Please review the email and respond to Phyllis Bettelheim, our Recording Secretary by noon Wednesday, November 10, 2021. If you have any questions please call either Phyllis (951-694-1198) or Virginia (951-695-1689). Thank you for participating!

TVRS Community Garage Sale

The Temecula Valley Rose Society will be having a garage sale November 6 from 7 a.m. to noon at Roripaugh Ranch.

We are looking for garden related donations: planters, books, tools - all things garden. No clothing or non-garden items please.

Please clean out your garages of tools, garden books and other garden oriented items to bring to the sale. They need to be in good sellable condition, and anything left over will be taken to the Charity League Thrift Shop.

All items will need to be dropped off at Kathy Trudeau's home by Friday at 5 p.m. on 11/5. The adress is 31599 Country View Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, home of member Kathy Trudeau - 602‑391‑5161. Gate access code 256 if the guard is not there.

We need donations AND volunteers to help at the sale. Please contact Kathy to volunteer. All proceeds go to our Rose Society projects!

Please let your friends know about the sale so they can come and support our Society with a purchase.

Registered Names for Rose Bushes

by Virginia Boos

This explanation came about because a worker at my home was telling me that his mother-in-law had a rose bush called Chris Evert (an orange blend, rated at 7.4), and he wondered about that. Why was it named after a famous tennis player? My answer was that hybridizers frequently honor both celebrities and distinguished members of the rose world this way. The chosen names are then approved by the American Rose Society.

Queen Elizabeth is well known, but Bob Hope, Chris Evert, George Burns, Pope John, Elizabeth Taylor, Bill Warriner, Gene Boerner, Barbara Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Minnie Pearl, Jean Kenneally, Dee Bennett, Marie Curie, Princess de Monaco, Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy, Dick Clark, and Mr. Lincoln have all had space in my own garden. These are just some of the older varieties. There are many newer varieties included in this special group. One close to home is Dona Martin hybridized by Bob Martin and named for his wife. You may have some of these varieties in your own garden.

November 2021 Program

Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Place: On-Line GoToMeeting. November: Members will receive an email invitation the first week of November with a link to the meeting. The meeting will open at 9:45 a.m. to allow member socializing. Members can join also by telephone to hear the program. The phone number will be in the invitation.

Topic: "Rose of the Unknown Soldier", National Commemoration of the Centennial of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (1921-2021).

Speaker: Bob Martin, American Rose Society outgoing President. We will be viewing an encore American Rose Society webinar presented by Bob Martin. Bob's extensive research throughout Europe and the United States focused on the symbolic white rose and its history with the Tomb of the Unknown solider. The symbol of the white rose and selection of the unknown soldier and the French family that provided the roses is very moving. The American Rose Society has mentored many Never Forget Garden installations this year in honor of the Centennial of the Tomb.

An instruction of the use of white roses and preparing proper White Rose Bouquets of the Centennial, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the Honor Guard, are explained here including the use of 11 or 21 roses and the importance of the numbers.

Remembering those who have served.

City, town and church bells have served our country and its citizenry from the very beginning. They can do so again. Imagine a silent afternoon in your community where you start to hear the bells toll. Steady and resounding, they ring and are joined by other bells, until all you hear is a crescendo of bells echoing through your community. Then you remember, it's November 11th at 11:00 a.m. You stop what you are doing and count 21 seconds, standing in solidarity with everyone else in the U.S.A. And as the bells slowly start to fade away, perhaps you hear the haunting wail of a lone trumpeter playing 'Taps'. A silence once again envelops your community, and you realize that the bells were telling everyone that a moment of remembrance had arrived." Tombguard Site.

GoToMeeing is an online meeting program very similar to ZOOM. If you have used ZOOM recently you will be very comfortable using GoToMeeting. The program is also available by phone. Also, visit us on Facebook for roses from around the world as well as Rose Haven pictures and videos. If you would like to practice using GoToMeeting, please contact Linda Freeman at 951‑204‑6141.

November Rose Haven Flora, by Bonnie Bell

Bonnie Bell

The Old Garden Rose area at Rose Haven contains an exciting array of roses in this class. Deep inside the area sits a beautiful memorial bench with an arch covered by a fabulous "Climbing Old Blush" rose which is also known as "Parson's Pink". There are very few thorns on the canes with a slight fragrance of pink semi-double blooms. You can imagine this area is extremely popular for prom and family photos.

The AARS rates "Climbing Old Blush" a score of 8.4 and it grows exceptionally well in the Temecula Valley area. It is resistant to black spot, mildew, and rust. There is very little care required other than shaping as blooms appear on new wood.

On your next visit check out the Old Garden Rose area and see how delightful the area is.

Show Your Vase

Many of our gardens are showing new flush.

Kathy Trudeau has a prolific Pope John Paul shown in her grand­mother's vase.

Ann Schryer's Pristine is in a Belleek vase.

Dan Wyncott did some last-minute pruning of his Illinois roses before returning to Temecula for the winter. He has a collection of old roses as well as a gorgeous Mum in his Mid-west garden.

Linda Freeman has a California Dreamin' and a "no ID" tree rose in a Waterford and a Dollar store vase as well as a Maurice Utrillo (stripes).

Upcoming November Rose Events

by Linda Freeman


Rose Care FUNda­men­tals, by Frank Brines

ARS Master Rosarian

Frank Brines

The weather has moderated slightly, and along with the change comes cooler nights. Fall brings warm days and cool nights, conditions that can ensure large colorful blossoms. But those same conditions also bring moisture and a daily accumulation of ash and small dust particles. These create a great environment for fungal diseases. One example is powdery mildew. Early on it shows slight purple splotches on the underside of leaves and white powdery spots on top and white powder on the peduncle (neck) of the rose blossom.

Another common fungal disease is Black Spot. It is marked by black spots with fuzzy edges, then turn yellow and brown. Often it does not kill the plant outright but, over time, the loss of leaves can weaken the plant making it more susceptible to other stresses and to winter damage. It first develops on upper leaf surfaces, later adjacent areas turn yellow and leaves drop prematurely, usually beginning at the bottom of the plant progressing upward.

Yet another disease that presents similar signs is Anthracnose. It produces spots that are smooth edged with centers that turn grey and drop out. Treatment is the same for all three disease: Fungicide. If you're unsure which disease(s) your roses are battling, just be sure the product is labeled for all three.

Roses benefit from a good rinsing to remove accumulated dust: Be sure to keep moisture off the blossoms to prevent yet another fungal disease, Botrytis, which will appear as rot of blossoms and will usually prevent them from opening. Another sign is red blotches on blooms. I included an article about Chilli Thrips and pictures for identifying the problem they cause in the September care column here. Continue to investigate for these pests and treat if found. They attack new growth, buds and blooms. Left untreated plants are stressed greatly, often shriveling the end buds or preventing bud formation. The life cycle of Chilli Thrips is short and includes falling to ground and becoming a grub and reappearing when warm weather arrives. One application of a pesticide spray is not sufficient for control.

If you completed the light mid-season pruning in September/October as suggested in an earlier article, you pruned out dead, crossing canes, and thinned the middle of the plant. This will improve air circulation through the bush and reduce possible fungal diseases. This mid-season pruning and fertilizing encourages a new blooming cycle. Feel free to cut some of early blooms now and take them inside for bouquets.

Fall is a good time to check the pH of the soil. It should be slightly acidic, between 6.0 and 6.5. Any reading below or above these levels will inhibit roses ability to use the nutrients you are giving them. Treating the pH problem now will give ample time for adjustments prior to spring pruning.

Unless you plan to exhibit, I do not recommend fertilizing after mid-October, but you may make a final application of fertilizer for the year before mid-November. If you do this, use a fertilizer lower in Nitrogen (N) and higher in Phosphate (P) and Potassium (K); that is, if your fertilizer has an N‑P‑K number on it, the first digit will be lower than the other two. If it lacks an N‑P‑K, read the ingredients and/or ask your professional nursery person for guidance. To explain: Nitrogen encourages foliage growth-something we want to discourage as the plants go into their winter dormancy; Phosphate helps build root structure and resistance to stressful conditions (e.g., cold at this time of year); Potassium is a helper of Phosphate and aids in bloom quality. If you use an organic fertilizer it will be readily available when the soil warms, adding to the nutrients needed for that Spring growth spurt. A liquid fertilizer as the last application will be readily available.

I do NOT recommend doing the winter pruning before January. It is possible to have roses for Christmas in Southern California so why make the season more hectic with another activity?

Remember to check your garden daily for any changes. Be sure to keep them hydrated for best results. The weather forecast for the next week is around the mid‑80s.The cooler temperatures can be misleading. Roses still need to be watered, perhaps not as often.

With climate change and presence of pests and fungi I have had to use an integrated pest management (IPM) program. Being completely organic is becoming harder and harder. IPM is a program which allows one to begin with the lesser of toxic treatments which hopefully will manage the problem.

Some people think Southern California lacks distinct seasons, but we do have seasons. They are only discerned by those with a more sophisticated palette. So, get out of the house and enjoy the subtle delights of the air, sun, and the rich aroma of our magically misty Fall. When you have a moment to spare, or feel the need to get away, or when the day cools down, take your favorite healthy beverage and a picnic basket, and visit Rose Haven Heritage Garden, 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula (cross street is Cabrillo Avenue). The early morning and late afternoon sunlight across the pass is magical this time of year. It even makes the freeway seem a little bit romantic!

Oh, one last thing-something to do when it gets just a bit too nippy out there: Start perusing rose catalogs (printed and online) for that next "gotta have" rose variety. (Come on: You deserve it! You work hard to have lovely roses, so let yourself go!) The September/October America's Rose Garden issue has a good section on some new or recent roses, and Bob Martin's annual compilation of the newest roses. Also, this time of year many nurseries and garden stores are liquidating their remaining inventory of potted roses, and you're in luck because November is an ideal time to purchase and plant! Make your list of new roses and go shopping, if you plan to replace an old, tired plant prepare the area now for easier planting later. And assess your stock of fertilizers and be sure to order next month from the San Diego Rose Society.

Until next month, Happy Roses to you!