The Peace (white) and Friendship (yellow) roses are planted and mulched. It looks spectacular! In addition to our bed of beautiful Peace roses, the Friendship bed of yellow roses features Golden Celebration roses, by David Austin, Ch-Ching roses and Sunsprite roses.
- FUNdraiser update: Thank you to all our generous donors
- Peace Pole Sponsor level – $500 We have 17 donors and space for 9 additional Peace Pole plates.
- Peace Planters level – $200 We have 7 donors and 17 spaces remaining.
- Friends of the Garden level – $100 We have 7 donors and 17 spaces remaining.
- Little Free Library – Our Boy Scout Eagle Project ‘Little Free Library’ will be located next to the seating area. Books on gardening, mediation, friendship and peace will be available for all ages to borrow.
What’s Next from now through September?
- A double-sided enclosed display case will be mounted on the south wall of the white Boy Scout Eagle Scout Project upperr shed. Engraved brass, silver and copper plates recognizing all our donors by level will be featured on one side of the case.
- A pergola shade structure is being installed at the seating area.
- Our Boy Scout Eagle Project ‘Little Free Library’ will be located next to the seating area. Books on gardening, mediation, friendship and peace will be available for all ages to borrow.
- Six Peace Poles displaying the international message of peace in 43 languages, “May Peace Prevail on Earth”, will be ‘planted’ in late August or early September.
- A dedication ceremony for the community will be on September 21, 2022, the UN International Day of Peace. Now is the time to Help Us Grow Our Garden.