Rose Care FUNdamentals – February
I am an ARS Master Rosarian. If you would like personal answers to rose questions you can leave them on the TVRS website or email me at roseguy2000@aol.com.
President’s Message – Feb. 2022
The pruning class on January 22nd was a beautiful success. The warm sunny weather was perfect, the organization and set‑up worked well, thanks to Nancy, Kathy, Florence and Brenda. We gained 6 new members! We had hoped for a larger crowd but the pandemic situation must be keeping them away. Read more...
How Does Our Garden Grow – Feb. 2022
Our garden certainly grows by those who volunteer in the garden, providing tender care and feeding to our existing plants and hardscape. Our garden also grows through planning future development and redevelopment of our 24 various garden areas. Our garden is a wonderful location for educating our community about the Read more...
February 2022 Program
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Temecula Library, Community Room, 30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula Topic: Member Friendship Tea Come and ring in the New Year with tea and friendship and review our 2021 30th Anniversary achievements. Get updates on our 2022 projects at Rose Haven Heritage Garden. Bring your friends and other Read more...
Soil Farming at Rose Haven
Let’s get scrappy! Turning our kitchen plant based waste, weeds, lawn clippings and organic matter into rich compost soil is happening!! All of us should be putting our plant-based food scraps into compost, either in green bins supplied by the waste carrier, our own yard or in buckets to drop Read more...
Last Call – Blooming Roses
Despite best efforts to get our roses dormant and making rosehips to get ready for pruning, many of us had gorgeous blooms from the warm January weather.
Volunteers Needed at Rose Haven
It’s that time of year when Rose Haven Garden needs volunteers to help with the task of pruning and fertilizing our many roses.
February Board & Committee Meetings
Tuesday, February 8: Finance Committee, 3 pm at Rose Haven Thursday, February 10: Board Meeting, 10 am at location tba Thursday, February 17: Member Meeting, 10 am hopefully at Pauba Library Wednesday, February 23: Rose Haven Committee Meeting, 10 am Rose Haven
Tree of Life
Can you smell Spring in the air? Maybe not, especially if you make it to the garden at 7 am and the temperature is 34F. But this has not stopped me and the other Rose Haven Heritage Garden volunteers-( Florence Rafulowitz, Emma Wright, Anabelle Wright, Diane Gonzales, Nardo, Anabelle Wright, Read more...
February Rose Haven Flora
Our California native plants are beginning to show off their vivid displays at the garden. One outstanding example is the Toyon shrub, covered right now with bright red-orange berries.
Peace & Friendship Garden Update
Phase 2 is underway with site and irrigation preparations. Eight Ch‑Ching yellow roses from the original Boos Courtyard were transplanted from their holding place in the Tree of Life by Monique W, Florence R, and Kathy T. Not easy work, but Monique made sure the task was completed!
Rosey Educational Opportunities
Cleaning and Sharpening Your Garden Tools Orange County Rose Society, Thursday, February 3, 7 pm to 8 pm, online. OCRS Master Rosarian Kathy Monge will be presenting a virtual primer on cleaning and sharpening your gardening tools, just in time to help you get through the pruning season! The program Read more...
This newsletter is web-published monthly for members. TVRS is a 501(c)(3) non‑profit corporation dedicated to the purpose of encouraging the appreciation, study, and culture of roses. Members are encouraged to join our affiliate, the American Rose Society, at www.rose.org.
Our monthly Member meeting is held the 3rd Thursday of the month (excluding July and August) at 10:00 a.m. at the Ronald H. Roberts Public Library, Community Room B, 30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula.
Guests are welcome.
Our mailing address is:
Temecula Valley Rose Society
PO Box 890367
Temecula, CA 92589-0367
Do not address any mail to Rose Haven Garden on Cabrillo Ave. There is no mailbox there.