
The Temecula Valley Rose Society endeavors to build community connections through nature, and schedules educational seminars and demonstra­tions throughout the year for children, families, and rose garden enthusiasts. The Temecula Valley Rose Society has membership in the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce, ‘Visit Temecula Valley’ Visitors Bureau, American Public Gardens Associa­tion, and is an affiliate of the American Rose Society.

Your support is very much needed and sincerely appreciated. The Temecula Valley Rose Society is class­ified as a char­itable, non‑profit corpor­ation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and section 23701(d) of the California Revenue & Taxation Code. Go here to request a donation receipt. Please provide a mailing address in the Comments section of the form.  Your donation may be deductible from your tax returns. 

Help Us Grow Our Garden

Suggested amounts are $15, $25, $50 or Other.

A monthly donation option is available too.

A PayPal account is not required.
You can pay as a Guest.

Donation programs are as follows:

  • Photography Permit
  • Wedding Ceremony Permit
  • Garden Reservation Donation
  • Rose Haven Garden Maintenance
  • General Fund Donation
  • In Memory Of/In Honor Of

Pollinator Garden Fundraising

Donate to the Pollinator Garden fund with our Plaque Donor Levels!

  • Butterfly Gold Plaque Donor $150
  • Bee Silver Plaque Donor $100
  • Bat Bronze Plaque Donor $50
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page