Community Outreach
The Temecula Valley Rose Society was formed in May of 1990 by a small group of rose lovers. The City of Temecula at that time was in its formative years, and the massive development of homes and businesses that we see today was just beginning. There were many open fields which Rose Society members dreamed of filling with roses. A first step was to achieve the choice of the rose as the City Flower. Many a bouquet of roses were carried by Rose Society members to city officials until the decision was made in favor of the rose.
Community beautification through the cultivation of roses was, and still is, one of the Society’s major goals. The Society’s first major project came when it was suggested that the Rose Society become involved with landscaping the median strips along Rancho California Road. There was fanfare and publicity on the day that city officials and Rose Society members joined together in planting dozens of rose bushes there. Those roses add a blaze of color to our city today.
After the success of this endeavor, the Rose Society was offered a 3.4 acre site in a residential area to be developed into a community garden. Even though the Society was only four months old the members felt that this would be a tremendous opportunity to further its goals, so they happily accepted the offer. It was a huge project, but with careful planning by members, not to mention a great deal of physical labor and generous donations from wholesale rose growers and local businesses, the garden we now know as Rose Haven Heritage Garden was born.
The Society continues to undertake numerous community beautification projects as well as sponsor various community events throughout the year. In late spring the Rose Society presents its annual Rose Show, an event that show cases roses, not only from member’s gardens, but from any garden in the community. One the same week-end as the show is the Rose Haven First Bloom Party, a celebration of the glory of our community garden.
Making information available about rose cultivation is another priority for the Rose Society. Members and guests receive much useful information at our monthly meetings and through our Newsletter Index and web site. The Society also organizes pruning demonstrations and classes on rose cultivation which are eagerly attended by local residents.
The Society created a rose garden for the Arts Council of Temecula Valley “Design House 2000” project and assisted with planting the gardens at Habitat for Humanity homes in Temecula. Other projects have included the rose garden near the chapel at Sam Hicks Park, and plantings at the Boys and Girls Club, Temecula City Hall, Temecula Valley High School, a Murrieta Fire Station, and beautification and garden assistance at Nicholas Valley ES, Helen Hunt Jackson ES and Ysabel Barnett ES.
For regular updates on our Outreach projects see our monthly Newsletter Index in the footer.
We are a Society not only of ‘Rose Lovers’ but also ‘Rose Doers’. We are here to share the glory of the rose.
Family gardening is also a focus of the Society. Please visit us on Facebook for more information.
Please submit your suggestions and questions related to community outreach by submitting the form on the Contact Us page.