President’s Message
by Virginia Boos
It’s a new year, with new hopes and dreams, new ideas, and a new Board and officers. Don’t hesitate to make your thoughts known to us. We have already discussed many plans for the future. We are motivated and hope you will join us with your own enthusiasm.
A member directory for 2022 is in my plan and we will be offering an orientation session for new members to acquaint them with our organization and committees, as well as our history. This is an important issue and we would like your input with ideas to make this successful. Contact a Board member to tell us what would be helpful to you.
Our time away from personal contact has been difficult, but the technology is now available so that we may be able to hold hybrid meetings, allowing 3 options. In person at the library, GoToMeeting at home and a big screen at Rose Haven Heritage Garden could be the choices. Stay tuned!
We need to get acquainted and feel comfortable again. When there is a chance, say “Hello”, pop a big smile and take a moment to introduce yourself. We all appreciate that human connection.
The list of opportunities to work with YOUR rose society is endless. So don’t be hesitant, we can use your help. It’s needed and very welcome. We are all partners in this effort. Sending a HAPPY NEW YEAR greeting.
Peace & Friendship Garden Fundraising Campaign Update: Extended to 1/31/2022
by Kathy Trudeau
We’re so pleased to share that we are 62.5%, $7,000 donations and commitments ($500 each), toward our goal of 24 in the ‘Sponsor a Peace Pole’ donor level. Even better news is there is still time for you, a loved one, or friend to be part of our unique international Peace Pole campaign. Additional donations in Peace Planters and Friends of the Garden are getting us closer to installing new irrigation lines and planting new roses and companion plants.
Please see our link online, sign up, and make your PayPal donation. It couldn’t be any easier to support our Garden.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
by Rebecca Weersing
LAST JANUARY 2021 I wrote: “During January we will be firming plans and estimates for three areas that will be rehabilitated during the year. The three areas are the newly defined ‘Peace and Friendship Garden’, the ‘Romantic Roses Gazebo Garden’, and the ‘Tree of Life’. We hope to be ready to start these projects after the Labyrinth Courtyard project is completed in February. We would like the projects to be finished before the heat of summer. The ‘Tree of Life’ needs to be completed by September when we hope to resume our “Families in the Garden Programs” plus initiate a Members-Only Community Garden within the ‘Tree of Life’. More details will follow as planning progresses.”
It is time to reflect on what we achieved during 2021 and how what we achieved (or didn’t) impacts our plans for 2022. In January 2021 we planned to be completed with the Boos Courtyard Labyrinth Project by February. However it was late April before the project was complete, just in time for our May Garden Days Community Events.
So the other three 2021 projects were pushed back.
(1) A small group of volunteers headed by Monique Wright worked diligently in the “Tree of Life” (To:) throughout the remainder of 2021 – attacking weeds with cardboard & mulch. repairing & replacing a number of the planting containers, contemplating a new herb garden within the ToL. Alas, because we needed to concentrate on the ToL garden infrastructure and hard-scape, we were not able to resume our “Families in the GardenPrograms”.
(2) During late summer we began in earnest to finalize and implement the plans for the “Peace and Friendship Garden” (P&F). The work related to installing the pathways is complete. Between now and the end of March we have holes to dig, roses to plant, irrigation to install, mulching to be done, Peace Poles to erect and money to raise.
(3) The “Romantic Roses & Gazebo Garden” will require some pathways similar to those in the P&F Garden, pink roses to be transplanted from other areas of the garden, the old gazebo dismantled, a new gazebo to be erected, updating of the plant material and irrigation below the gazebo and, of course, fundraising.
Our desire is to have all of these projects completed by the end of April in time for our May Garden Days Community Events.
If you would like to be part of the planning for any or all of these projects email me at
As you can imagine not all of our projects proceed without some glitches but with the vision and perseverance of our Board, our Officers, our Rose Haven Committee and all of our dedicated volunteers we have all helped in the creation of a lovely, welcoming garden.