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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

The Valley Rose

December 2016 Roses Vol. 27, No. 12

Coming up: Christmas

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Co-President's Message

by Rebecca Weersing

TVRS Co-presidentsT uesday, November 29th was "Giving Tuesday". On this day people are asked to turn from "Black Friday", "Small Business Saturday", and "Cyber Monday" and to think about donating to their favorite non-profit. It would be wonderful if TVRS could enlarge its pool of donors during the remainder of this year and into 2017.

Our financial needs might seem small compared to the needs of ending world hunger, various diseases and wars of all kinds. But we do have some financial needs for Rose Haven that a donation of any size from you would make a difference. Our driveway is in desperate need of repairs, our drip irrigation system is in need of updating, particular beds are in need of renovation, seating will be needed in our soon-to-be-erected Education Pavilion, our pond is in need of a new aeration system... Your help is needed.

We can all take pleasure and pride in the fact that Rose Haven is truly a garden for community education, for enjoyment of nature, for life's celebrations, and for quiet contemplation. Your donation may be (1) mailed to our P. O. Box 890367, Temecula 92589, (2) given to our treasurer Bonnie Bell or (3) placed in the Rose Haven donation box the next time you are there visiting or working in our lovely garden. (Checks please, no cash.)

Thank you for your past support!

Christmas Dinner Contributors Needed

Calling all members. Come to the feast, bring a contribution!

Traditionally we have a turkey dinner with all the fixings at our December meeting. Ann Coakes has always donated all this. This year she is roasting a giant turkey, but members have to provide the rest. Many signed up at the November meeting and I will call them the 13th. The rest of you can call me with your donation anytime @ 909-227-1553.

We will be running hospitality as a committee since our longtime wonderful chairman, Miche Grayson, is no longer able to do it and no one has stepped forward to volunteer. We will write a little news and some of the favorite recipes each month in this newsletter. We ask for increased participation of all members in hospitality. I will keep and bring the supplies (using wheeled carriers to spare my hips) and will get the beverages going. I will be happy to have any help and donations after that.

This month we include Ann Schryer's wonderful Persimmon Cookie recipe. Many have asked for the Focaccia like cracker creation at our last meeting. I am sorry I do not know who brought it. Thank you, Kathy K.

Persimmon cookies

1c. persimmon (pulp from very ripe Hachiya type)
1 t. baking soda, 1 1/4c. sugar
1/2 c. margarine or shortening
1 egg, 2c. flour
1/2 t. each nutmeg, cinnamon, 1/4-1/2 t. ground cloves
1 c. Chopped walnuts
1/2-1c. raisins, preferably golden and plumped in hot water 1/4 t. salt

Purée persimmon well with a fork. Add the soda. Set aside.
Cream sugar and margarine, then add egg.
Add all remaining ingredients, including persimmon and mix well.
Grease cookie sheets. Drop approx. 2 T. dough per cookie.
Bake at 350, till golden and set, about 15 minutes.

Volunteer of the Year

by Ann Schryer

Please submit all records of volunteer hours by the December 15 general meeting. The member with the most volunteer hours will be awarded with their name on a perpetual plaque and a beautiful crystal vase at the January meeting. Please turn your volunteer records in to Ann Schryer at the meeting, or mail them to her if you aren't able to attend the December meeting.

Roses Past And Present IX

by Jim Moss

Last month we discussed in a general way, the transition from Wild Roses to Old Garden Roses, and centuries later the advent of large, very famous gardens of Europe. This transition involved quite a bit of experimentation on the part of rose breeders, who were anxious to try breeding between various species and varieties of roses because each variety has its own characteristics.

Cross breeding between varieties will introduce genetic material from each parent (the male parent is called the "pollen parent"; the female parent is the "seed parent"). So, for example if a Damask rose is bred with a China Tea, the resulting rose will have some traits of each parent. And since there are numerous varieties and species, the possibilities for creating a new and exciting rose are nearly endless. In addition when the second generation roses appear, they can also be cross-bred with other second generation roses or with first generations, and so on.

Even a brief study of a particular rose will reveal the parent plants by name and the different varieties from which that rose is descended.

Since each variety of rose normally has numerous qualities such as color, fragrance, ever-blooming blossoms and so on, it is probably correct to assume that the breeders were trying to capture a variety of positive characteristics from each parent. But since the breeders had no way of knowing the outcome of breeding two separate roses, they relied on repeated experiments and research until they arrived at a rose that met their satisfaction. Through these cross-breeding experiments, the number of Old Garden Roses grew dramatically.

We will continue this theme next month, but first a word about the breeders themselves would be in order. It appears that the vast majority of rose breeders were from France. To a lesser degree were Belgians, Italians, Germans and English. Along with these were a few from Luxembourg, Holland, Eastern Asia and the Middle East. Only one or two were from North America.


Grocery Cards Benefit TVRS

   Dear Members: I trust that you have made a determined effort to use Stater Bros. Scrip/Gift Cards for your everyday normal purchases. Even in these financially difficult times we all must eat. Purchasing a $100 Scrip Card will let you spend $100 for groceries at Stater Bros. There is no extra expense or donation coming out of your pocket and the Rose Society will get a $6.00 donation for the upkeep of the Garden. Your support is greatly appreciated. Email Ann Coakes to order Scrip Cards, or phone 951 693-5635.

Consulting Rosarian School in Tucson

Hi rose lovers,
Attached is a registration flier for an upcoming PSWD Consulting Rosarian School being hosted by the Rose Society of Tucson on Saturday, February 25, 2017. The school will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 400 E. University Blvd. (corner of 4th Ave and University) in Tucson, AZ.

The school is open to anyone – even non-CRs who just want to learn more about growing roses. For CRs who need to know their status or anyone who wants to become a CR and take the test, please contact the district's CR chairperson, Dave or Gerry Mahoney, at

If anyone needs instructions on getting to the event or where to stay in Tucson if traveling, please contact Diane Pavlovich at

Click here to see the flyer.

Thanks, Diane Pavlovich, Rose Society of Tucson.

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, December 15
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. See our new meeting schedule here.
Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula)
Speaker: Various
Topic: Annual meeting, Installation of Officers, Awards

A light buffet luncheon will be served at 11:30. Guests are welcome.


December Birthdays & New Members

Bernice Wendt 12-2, Frank Brines 12-8, Don Nordike 12-18, Roger Bell 12-19, Laurie Moss 12-23, Charlie Brodbeck 12-26, May Olson 12-30, Karen Ortega 12-31.
New Members
There are no new members this month.

Little Rose Show

by Betty Dixon

Our Little Rose Shows have ended for the year. Ellen Noell was our 'Rose of the Day' winner for November. Awards for the year will be presented at our December member meeting.

Rose Haven Heritage Garden

by Bonnie Bell
   Yes, the heavy clouds made daytime seem dark and dreary recently but we welcomed the lovely rain after the long summer drought. All the roses, shrubs, and trees perked up after soaking up all the water. The old garden roses are especially happy and still have lovely blossoms as one can see by the photo.

Starting January 4th we will begin pruning the roses along the driveway. Every Wednesday and Saturday will be dedicated to rose pruning starting at 9:00 a.m. An hour or two of your time will be greatly appreciated. On Saturday, January 14th Virginia Boos will conduct a rose pruning demonstration for our members and the public. More details about the class will be in next months' newsletter.

The shelter for the education and special events area is still in the fabrication stage. We anticipate its installation soon.

The Society always appreciates your cash donations for keeping the garden in tip-top shape. December is the perfect time to contribute and receive a tax deductible receipt for 2016 as we are a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation.

Our Next garden committee meeting is on Wednesday January 25th at 9:15. We will discuss projects for 2017. Completing the education area, selecting replacement roses for areas in distress, and other improvements are on the agenda. Members interested are always welcome to attend the meeting. Garden address is 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula.

A Cloudy Day
Old Garden Roses

Families in the Garden

by Alicia Cline
November 19th Program

Families in the Garden had a wonderful program with a good turnout for its November event. We took the children on a nature hike through Rose Haven, stopping at our Duck Pond to discuss the tadpoles and importance of bracken in the water. Thank you to Mr. Jim and his wife for being so gracious and helping us talk with the kids about the importance of pruning and removing dead rose bushes. The children loved getting their picture taken on the memorial bench. They commented that it felt like a secret hideaway. We eventually finished the hike at the Quilt Garden and the succulent section to plant tulip bulbs and other companion bulbs for the succulents also in Quilt Garden.

Then we ventured up to the Tree of Life and did some light harvesting of the tomatoes that we're ripe. We looked over our peas, kale, carrots and other vegetables that we planted previously. The children then planted garlic bulbs, yellow and red onion bulbs on several of the raised beds. They were very excited to see the progress the other plants had made, and I'm pretty sure the playing in the dirt had something to do with it also. :)

Afterwards we're retired down to the peppertree where Ms. Fay helped the children examine cross cuts of tulip, garlic, and onion bulbs under a large magnifying glass. The children absolutely loved her station; she always has so much information and is very patient with them. Each child was given a brown paper bag with either garlic and onion bulbs to grow at home or a tulip bulb. Great fun was had by all. Thank you to Miae for helping out and registration and taking pictures.

NOTICE: Because of the busy Christmas season this month the next Families in the Garden will be on January 24.

Planting Red Onions
Fun in the Dirt

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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Master Consulting Rosarian

Frank BrinesA s welcoming to all gardeners as the recent rains were and as much as we would like to think it was a sign of future rains and end our extended period of drought, we can only wish it appears. The total inches of rain was not enough to sustain our gardens for long. The accompanying cool weather will help to hydrate the thirsty soil. Roses could still be seen actively growing and blooming in many area gardens during the Thanksgiving holiday, but believe it or not, your roses need a four- to six-week rest or "dormancy" period during the winter months. During dormancy, the plants go through natural hormonal changes that prepare them for the next growing season. Dormancy is triggered by a variety of factors. Cold temperatures (including frost) slow the plant's metabolism which helps bring on dormancy. You can help by not deadheading or pruning this month. Allow the rose "hips" to mature so they can send signals to the plant that it's time to rest and marshal it energy for a vigorous growth spurt in the spring. Just the same, be sure to monitor your plants when daytime temperatures are warm: They still need to be kept hydrated! Also, do NOT fertilize until after your major pruning in January or February. And then only after a couple inches of new growth.
On the topic of pruning: Some gardeners in the Temecula Valley are anxious to prune their roses in December. That's understandable because we haven't had a hard frost yet even though the average date for first frost in our area is November 17. Pruning now not only prevents dormancy, but also produces tender new shoots that will most likely be killed by the next hard frost. So, bottom line: Please wait four to six weeks after the first frost to do your major "spring" pruning. Watch the TVRS website or local newspapers for the dates for free spring pruning workshops. Plan to attend a pruning demonstration by Virginia Boos currently scheduled for January 14, 2017 at Rose Haven Heritage Garden in Temecula.

I haven't any new information regarding the "chili thrip" Scientist are still working on a treatment that will help control this pest. The Asian "chili thrip" is spreading rapidly in the Southwest and is becoming a global threat. This pest is extremely successful and particularly resistant to conventional control methods. I will provide more information as I receive it.

There is still time to order that new rose you have been dreaming about. Garden stores may still be adding to their list of orders or go to your favorite online nursery and make your order. There are many fine new roses that you simply must have. Many are more disease resistant than in the past.

For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd.,
Temecula, as well as our web site at Spread the joy of roses!

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