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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

The Valley Rose

December 2015 Roses Vol. 26, No. 12

Coming up: Christmas

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Co-President's Message

by Phyllis Bettelheim

TVRS Co-presidentsA s 2015 comes to a close, the Rose Society can reflect on another year of good times, good friends and great roses.

Our Rose Haven came through the snow, the heat and the water rationing with flying colors. Its never looked lovelier.

Please plan to join us as we move into 2016. There is always more to learn about our favorite flower.

ANNOUNCING: American Rose Society Arrangement School and Seminar

by Frank Brines

Our society has been given approval to conduct a two-day ARS Arrangement School for the Pacific Southwest District right here in Temecula in October 2016. I am forming a committee to plan and setup the event.

Does that seem a long way off? IT ISN'T!

Dozens of experienced and aspiring rose arrangers will join us for this school which will be conducted by ARS-certified experts. You can do your part by helping us with the planning and logistics. This is a very significant opportunity for our society to make a positive contribution to (and impression on) the other rose societies in the Southwestern United States.

What will our committee handle? Planning and execution for venues, breakfasts, snacks, luncheons, hotel accommodations, setup and breakdown of the rooms, and other important activities.

I know that I can count on you-and I'm going to personally invite you if you don't contact me first! Please call me at (951) 315-9632 or send me an email to MAKE US PROUD!

December Families in the Garden

by Lea Cline

Last month in Families in the Garden we planted tulip bulbs in the Quilt Garden, planted garlic in the Tree of Life, as well as harvested our autumn vegetables, which included radishes and lettuces. A good time was had all around, especially at the craft table, where diagrams of tulip bulbs were available for the children to draw and label.

However, this month due to the third Saturday of this month interfering with the upcoming holidays, we will not be having a Families in the Garden meeting or program. The next event will be on January 16, 2016. We will be planting herbs, onions, and other winter vegetables . For more information please contact Alicia Cline at 951-234-2218 or


Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, December 17
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. See our new meeting schedule here.
Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula)
Speakers: Phyllis and Rebecca
Topic: Installation of Officers

A light buffet luncheon will be served around noon. Guests are welcome.

Programs & Speakers for 2015
• Dec 17 "Christmas Program & Installation of Officers" Board of Directors.


December Birthdays & New Members

Bernice Wendt, Dec. 2; Frank Brines, Dec.8; Don Nordike, Dec. 18; Roger Bell, Dec. 19; Beryl Murray, Dec. 21; Laurie Moss, Dec. 23; Charlie Brodbeck, Dec. 26; May Olson, Dec. 30; Karen Ortega, Dec. 31.
New Members
There are no new members this month.

Rose Haven Update

by Bonnie Bell

Just a few days ago our gardening angels Jim and Laurie Moss returned to California and were already working frantically away in the Old Garden Rose (OGR) area. One cannot imagine how tall some of the OGR varieties have grown. The beautiful bench is visible once again. Hooray!

Starting January 2nd we will begin pruning the roses along the driveway. Every Wednesday and Saturday will be dedicated to rose pruning starting at 9:00. An hour or two of your time will be greatly appreciated. More details about pruning and instruction will be in next months' newsletter.

Our Next garden committee meeting is Wednesday, December 16th at 9:15. We are discussing projects for 2016. Erosion control, shading the education area, and selecting replacement roses are on the agenda. Members interested are always welcome to attend the meeting. The Garden address is 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula.

OGR Bench
OGR Flowers


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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Consulting Rosarian

Frank BrinesR oses could still be seen actively growing and blooming in many area gardens during the Thanksgiving holiday, but believe it or not, your roses need a four- to six-week rest or "dormancy" period during the winter months. During dormancy, the plants go through natural hormonal changes that prepare them for the next growing season. Dormancy is triggered by a variety of factors. Cold temperatures (including frost) slow the plant's metabolism which helps bring on dormancy. You can help by not deadheading or pruning this month. Allow the rose "hips" to mature so they can send signals to the plant that it's time to rest and marshal it energy for a vigorous growth spurt in the spring. Just the same, be sure to monitor your plants when daytime temperatures are warm: They still need to be kept hydrated! Also, do NOT fertilize until after your major pruning in January or February.

On the topic of pruning: Some gardeners in the Temecula Valley are anxious to prune their roses in December. That's understandable because we haven't had a hard frost yet even though the average date for first frost in our area is November 17. Pruning now not only prevents dormancy, but also produces tender new shoots that will most likely be killed by the next hard frost. So, bottom line: Please wait four to six weeks after the first frost to do your major "spring" pruning. Watch the TVRS website or local newspapers for the dates for my free spring pruning workshop currently scheduled for January 16, 2016 at Rose Haven Heritage Garden in Temecula.

By the way, I have just returned from the American Rose Society Pacific Southwest District Rose Show Convention held in Mesa, Arizona. Information was shared there that a new pest, the Asian "chili thrip," is spreading rapidly in the Southwest and is becoming a global threat. This pest is extremely successful and particularly resistant to conventional control methods. I will provide more information as I receive it.

For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd.,
Temecula, as well as our web site at Spread the joy of roses!

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