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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

The Valley Rose

October 2011   Roses   Vol. 22, No. 10

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President's Message

by May Olson

May OlsonO ctober 8 is just around the corner and we look forward to showing off the serene, colorful and inspirational plot of land called Rose Haven Heritage Garden. With the help of our talented and devoted members we also hope for a very successful event. So, volunteers, bring your plants for sale, your slightly used garden treasures, your yummy cakes and cookies, your enthusiasm and welcoming smiles to make this the best fundraiser ever. Let's give the attendees' a day to remember and spread the word about our very unique Rose Haven to family, friends, neighbors and the entire valley.

We are in great need of three volunteers; one for Community Outreach as a Garden Angel, i. e. making bouquets once a week at Rose Haven, another for the Sunshine Committee sending get well and birthday cards and also someone to take over Hospitality. Anyone interested please call me at 951 696-5193.

Simone Arnould wishes to express her gratitude and sends a very special thank you to everyone who attended the services for her late husband, Jacques, as well as their support, kindness and well wishes for her recent surgery.

Although well in advance, a big thank you for your joint effort to make the Last Rose of Summer a rewarding, exciting and fun event. See you all there.

Rose Haven Update

A breath of fresh air is a welcome entrance to fall in Temecula Valley. Plants at Rose Haven have perked up tremendously with the cooler weather and shorter days. Check out the photo of the 'Tree of Life' garden. It's beautiful and full of vegetables. The high school group is doing a great job keeping the veggies thriving and weeds under control.

Another activity enjoyed recently was the dividing of iris in the Vogel Iris Garden early one Saturday. We look forward to a bodacious bloom in spring as Lenore advises that iris need dividing about every three years. Additionally, a group painted paver markers for the Children's ABC garden which is undergoing restoration.

This month we look forward to the 'Last Rose of Summer Festival' on October 8th. If you would like to volunteer at this event, please contact Ann Coakes. The more the merrier—please join in the fun. Friends and neighbors too will enjoy the festival. Plans include a plant sale, vendors and activities for all to enjoy.

The next garden committee meeting will be Wednesday, October 26th at 9 a.m. All interested are invited to attend. Address is 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula.

Check out our updated TVRS web page which now features changing photos of Rose Haven at Additional info is also available on our Twitter account.

Report from Youth Gardening

by Kathy Katz

The Third Saturday 'Kids in the Garden' program September 17was our first of the new school year. It was also the first time we put our information in the newspaper, afraid we would be bombarded with too many responses. As all went well, we are pleased we will be able to publicise Rose Haven in this manner in the future.

We toured Rose Haven and ended at the 'Tree of Life Vegetable Garden.' The kids seemed to like that part best, picking vegetables and seeing pumpkins, squash and strawberries actually growing.

The YG committee is working hard and is eager to provide meaningful, hands-on experiences in the outdoors for the next generation. Helping them learn about bugs and snakes, how to have fun and stay safe, while looking for the next Rosarians and food activists to carry on our legacy is our mission. Come out and join us on Saturdays.

The youth from our high school Greenthumbs were more helpful than ever, showing the visitors around the veggies and getting that garden weeded and pruned up, the fence opened and stuff put away. We had a really good time.

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, October 20
Time: 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30592 Pauba Road)
Speaker: Kathy Swanson
Topic: Kathy Swanson is a UCCE Master Gardener, Member of the Master Gardener Board and Coordinator of the Speakers Bureau, Master Composter, board member of Victoria Ave Forever and a member of the American Rose Society, President of the Rain Cross Rose Society, and board member for Kids and Roses through the American Rose Society.

A light buffet luncheon will be served around noon. Guests are welcome.

October Birthdays & New Members

Nancy Coatsworth, Rosalinda Henry, Joann Summers, Joycelyn & Linda Black, Frances Merritt, Margaret Meyncke.
New Members
There are no new members this month.

Little Rose Show Results

September 2011
by Virginia Boos and Lenore Vogel

Class 1 - Hybrid Tea
  1st - "Moonstone" - Ellen Noelle
  1st - "Toro" - Don Nordike
  2nd - "New Day" - Virginia Boos
  2nd - "April in Paris" - Lenore Vogel
  3rd - "Chablis" - Virginia Boos

Class 3 - Miniature without Side Buds
  1st - "Nancy Jean" - Ellen Noelle
  2nd - "Sun Sprinkles" - Virginia Boos
  2nd - "Holy Toledo" - Virginia Boos

Class 4 - Floribunda Spray
  1st - "Paradise Found" - Ellen Noelle

Class 5 - Miniature Spray
  2nd - "Valentine's Day" - Ellen Noelle

Class 6 - Any Other Bloom or Unknown
  1st - "Outta the Blue" (Shrub) - Kathy Turgeon
  2nd - "Frau Karl Drushki" (Hybrid Perpetual) - Virginia Boos

Rose of the Day - "Paradise Found" - Ellen Noelle

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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Consulting Rosarian

Frank BrinesY ou may recall that I've asked readers to join me in an experiment to see if we can nurse our roses to exceptional "first bloom quality blossoms" by the first weekend of November. We're coming up quickly on that target. Unfortunately, September's temperatures weren't quite typical for our valley, with some hot days mixed with cooler-than-average days and nights. And even though I stuck to my own recommendations to refrain from pruning and feeding, my roses did they own thing, continuing to put on blooms throughout midsummer.

The blooms aren't of good quality but the heat wasn't bad enough to burn the leaves and petals much. My large formal rose garden has finally been completely canopied with shade cloth (65% filtering), and that seemed to make a big difference in appearance and must have reduced evaporation. Some new growth looks great and healthy with many buds showing. But with five weeks to go until the target date, I am (as usual) worried that I won't have blooms for that date and/or the blooms won't be of first quality.

I suggest that you continue your watering and feeding program, watering less frequently but longer and deeper, not allowing the soil to dry out. (As you know, a dressing of composted mulch helps retain and evenly distribute soil moisture.) If you have some bushes that aren't lush, make a single application of a high-nitrogen fertilizer, either in solution or granular form. If you use the granular, be sure to water the granules generously into the soil. Skip this for roses that look good.

Next, every two weeks, apply a fertilizer with a slightly higher middle number (phosphorous) such as 8-10-8 or with a similar ratio. (Organic products don't usually list these ratios but any good nursery person can help you determine the product's percentages.) I also suggest applying fish emulsion on alternate weeks (when you don't apply the other). Dilute the fish emulsion per the instructions on the container. Pour it over each plant at a rate of at least one gallon for each hybrid tea or floribunda, and half a gallon for mini roses. If your minis are rather tall, use more.

After November, I will be thrilled if you would share with me how you cared for your roses, the results you got, and where you garden. I will compile this information to benefit amateur rose growers in the Temecula Valley.

As ever, I encourage you to take some time out of your busy schedule to visit the Temecula Valley Rose Society's Rose Haven Heritage Garden—especially on Saturday October 8 when we will hold our free "Last Rose of Summer Festival" which is open to the public. There will be docents to show you around the garden, as well as fun activities for kids, a plant sale table, refreshments, and a band. Spread the word and spread the joy of roses!

For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30500 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula, as well as our web site:

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