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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

The Valley Rose

Sept 2011   Roses   Vol. 22, No. 09

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President's Message

by May Olson

May OlsonTHANKS to all our members who showed up for the Strategic Planning Meeting. We heard loud and clear from most members what they enjoyed most about our society and what still needs to be done. We will continue to support what has worked for us in the past and correct our weaknesses in the future. This Board is working diligently to come up with new ideas for fundraisers, beautification, maintenance and safety at Rose Haven, as well as acquiring new members. We greatly appreciate our members who bring friends and neighbors to our meetings.

A special thank you to Ron Rumbold for the wonderful speakers that we continue to enjoy throughout the entire year.

Last Saturday, while visiting The Tree of Life to specifically learn from Nadav how to trim tomato plants so that they grow upward rather than bushy and yield more fruit, I was pleasantly surprised at the huge crop of tomatoes. Nadav's way of growing tomatoes is an interesting and easy concept which I will try at home. The kids seemed to be having fun, with Kathy Katz supervising. The squash, pumpkin, basil, sunflowers as well as everything else is doing very well. What an amazing addition this has been to Rose Haven.

I am happy to report that Simone Arnould is recovering very nicely from her recent surgery and we hope to see her back among us very soon.

Our heartfelt condolences to Yolanda Hepburn on the loss of her brother.

Well, here's looking towards cooler weather for the Fall. Please have your pruners clean and sharp for some much needed deadheading and weeding in September so that Rose Haven will look its very best for our Last Rose of Summer Celebration & Fundraiser on October 8th. Be sure to bring your friends and neighbors and plan to participate in any way you can.

The Rose Haven Committee has come up with great ideas that will not only enhance our garden but will greatly attract and reach out to businesses as well as the public in general. Thank you all for your time and effort.


The "Last Rose of Summer" is our biggest production of 2011! It's our grand gala performance for the community starring none other than our own Rose Haven Heritage Garden. But this show can't succeed without a supporting cast and crew—and that's where you come in. The curtain goes up at 10 a.m. on October 8, and comes down at 3 p.m.

Well before that day we need people to adopt specific parts of the garden to get them ready; that can be as simple as being able to recognize and eliminate weeds, make minor irrigation repairs, or pick up litter. We also need folks to help set up tables, chairs, and pop ups, or to take them down. We need people who are willing to learn a bit more about the garden and about roses, and then be willing to welcome guests and show them around.

There will be opportunities to provide refreshments or baked goods, host tables, and more. In other words, there are plenty of roles for anyone who benefits from TVRS year round and is ready to give a little back. Not sure what you can or should do? We'll make that simple: Just contact Frank Brines at or (951) 315-9632. Don't delay! The Last Rose of Summer is our biggest fund raiser and it's crucial to keeping Rose Haven in the spotlight.

2012 Strategic Planning

by Rebecca Weersing

For the past several years our Society has taken the opportunity to meet in August to plan for the upcoming year. This year we focused on the following areas of interest: educating our members, educating our community, educating our youth, Rose Haven Heritage Garden, and funding activities.

Ron Rumbold, our Vice President of Programs, has been instrumental in increasing attendance at our meetings by 15% this past year. His aim is to continue to increase attendance in 2012. Given we increase attendance at our member meetings this could necessitate our outgrowing the Temecula Public Library, particularly the parking. We decided that we need to begin now to determine other possible sites for our member meetings should we need to relocate. If you have a facility that you would like the committee to consider, please call Don Nordike (951-246-4686) with the following information by September 10: (1) name & address of facility (2) contact person (3) rental fee. The facility must seat at least 60 people, have an audio-visual hookup, provide set-up/take-down of tables & chairs, a kitchen, be available from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month, and have parking close to the room. Location can be in either Temecula or Murrieta.

We will continue to collaborate with other groups in our community. We will also provide workshops and special events to the community. Our community outreach programs will also continue.

The Youth Gardening Committee will continue to offer Third Saturdays for Families with children under 12, encourage the growing of vegetables in our Tree of Life garden, and provide community service opportunities to high school students.

The Rose Haven Heritage Garden Committee has five goals for 2012:
  1. Obtain a long-term sponsor(s) to fund the basic operating expenses of approximately $6,000 for Rose Haven (water, power, insurance, taxes, porta-potty rental, professional gardening services when needed, and garden supplies.
  2. Recruit ten more members to accept responsibility for the care of a specific area of Rose Haven.
  3. Complete pathway and beautification work in the gazebo area. These improvements are needed in order to attract wedding revenue.
  4. Prioritize new projects.
  5. Continue monthly long-term planning sessions.

We need to continue funding our activities through a variety of means. At our member meetings the opportunity drawing helps us pay for our meeting room and speaker honorariums. The Youth Gardening Committee has a couple of ways and means projects to try for next year. Many of our members make generous donations of all sizes to different projects. We are developing our First Bloom Celebration (May) and Last Rose of Summer Festival (October) as fundraising for Rose Haven. We continue to look for grant opportunities.

We all agreed that we underutilize Rose Haven as a marketing tool. We will concentrate in 2012 in creating a coherent communications and marketing plan for our group. Should you have additional thoughts and comments, please send them to me at

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, Sept 15
Time: 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30592 Pauba Road)
Speaker: Thom Curry
Topic: Temecula Olive Oil Company

Thom will share an overview of olives including their history and significance. He will explain the traditional cold press process, flavor differences, and define various terms associated with planting, growing and harvesting olives.

A light buffet luncheon will be served around noon. Guests are welcome.

Sept Birthdays & New Members

James Marlow, Kathy Katz, Ron Rumbold, Valorie Nelson, Louis Nowell, Marian Mauch, Annelie Moseneder, Betty Dixon.
New Members
There are no new members this month.

Good Earth R.O.S.E. Care

This web site has an excellent article on rose friendly soil. A Soils Primer.

Little Rose Show - September 15th

by Lenore Vogel and Virginia Boos

Lenore and I have been so pleased with the generous participation in the monthly Little Rose Show. It's such a great way to practice for an officially judged rose show, which could be in your future! If you are lucky enough to have some beautiful blossoms, even in this warm weather, please bring them to the next meeting so we can fill up the table with a gorgeous display.

Rose Haven Update

by Bonnie Bell

We knew it would come eventually—our hot summer. The plants in the garden are looking a little droopy—and it's way too hot for much gardening work right now. Extra water is needed to sustain the plants until shorter and cooler days return. In mid-September we will begin dead-heading roses so the blooms we expect by the October 8th "Last Rose of Summer" event will be abundant. If you can volunteer an hour to dead-head we surely will appreciate it. The cool mornings and warm evenings are a perfect time to enjoy the garden and accomplish a little work.

Keep in mind the "Last Rose of Summer" event. It will be the same format as the "First Bloom Celebration" last May, which was such a success. Our plans include even more vendors and activities for all to enjoy.

The next garden committee meeting will be Wednesday, October 26th at 9 a.m. All interested are invited to attend. The address is 30500 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula. Check out our updated TVRS web page which now features changing photos of Rose Haven Garden. Additional info on garden activities is also available from our home page by clicking the Twitter button.


QR Codes Come to Rose Haven

If you notice some funny looking squares on the Rose Haven garden Welcome sign it's a new way for smart phones to link to our web site. The squares each contain a pattern which, when read by the appropriate smart phone app, will link the smart phone's web browser to our garden web site or Twitter account. If you have smart phone try it out. In any case, please don't remove the QR code plaques from the sign.

Help Wanted!

Adopt a Planting Bed
by Phyllis Bettelheim

It has been said that many hands make light work, and the Rose Haven Garden Committee is eager to find out if that is true. If you can spare an hour or so every week or so, we could use your help at the garden.

There will be a map and photos, at the next member meeting, of the areas that need your help. The beds range in size from 6 to 15 roses You would choose your own area and would weed and deadhead, as needed. You would only need to provide your own gloves and pruning shears.

The committee works at the garden on Wednesday and Saturday mornings, but any time that fits your schedule is fine. The garden is open every day from dawn to dusk. We hope that many of you will wish to join us in our "labor of love."

Script/Gift Cards

As an active member of the TVRS I trust that you have made a determined effort to use SCRIPT/GIFT CARDS whenever you make all of your everyday purchases. Even in this difficult financial period, we must all eat and still can support the Rose Society. For example, if you purchase your groceries from Stater Bros. you can purchase a $100.00 Script/Gift Card from Ann Coakes and purchase $100.00 groceries with it. There is no fee and it does not expire. The Rose Society will get $6.00 for every $100.00 card. This is an easy fundraiser and costs you no extra to lend your support. Please see Ann at our next meeting to put in your order. I always order on Mondays and cards will come to store on Friday for me to pick up. I do have to pay on Mondays for the Cards so you have to pay in advance. Please consider this for the good of the Rose Garden. Thanks to all who supported us so far.

Ann Coakes

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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Consulting Rosarian

Frank BrinesYOU 'll recall that back in June I suggested a summer-time experiment in rose culture, and now it's time for the crucial steps in the next phase: Performing the light-to-medium pruning in late August or early September. Delay no more! This pruning will signal to the plant that it's time to come out of its mini summer dormancy and begin a new life cycle. If you prune now, the next cycle of blooms will appear in six to eight weeks, hopefully giving you a flush of high-quality blooms near the first week of November.

I realize that your roses may be blooming now, but most likely the blossoms are smaller and have fewer petals than normal. Don't be afraid to prune them off: Give yourself a treat by brining the blooms indoors for cheery bouquets!

The canes with blooms probably have 2, 3, or more smaller canes coming off of them. These abundant but smaller canes sap a lot of energy from the plant, producing inferior quality flowers. Cut them back to only one of these multiple canes, or to the main cane below—you want the diameter to be at least as thick as a pencil. Always make your cut just above an outward-facing bud so the new grown extend beyond (not into) the bush.

After pruning, fertilize with a high Nitrogen product to give a quick growth kick. Follow every two weeks with an NPK ration of 8-10-8, or any product that has a Phosphate (P) number higher than its Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K) numbers. Occasionally between those fortnightly applications, feel free to apply a fish emulsion solution (mixed per the instructions on the container), pouring it over each plant at a rate of 1 gallon of solution for each hybrid tea, and one-half gallon for minis.

At the end of this summer experiment, I will be thrilled if you will share with me how you cared for your roses, the results you got, and where you garden. And, as every, I encourage you to take some time out of your busy schedule to visit the Temecula Valley Rose Society's Rose Haven Heritage Garden. Spread the word and spread the joy of roses.

For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30500 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula, as well as our web site:

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