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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

The Valley Rose

March 2009   Roses   Vol. 20, No. 03

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President's Message

by Ron Rumbold

Ron Rumbold

Well, here it is March already and I'm sure all of you have contributed a lot of volunteer hours to the organization in many different ways since the first of the year. Please take a few more minutes and write down what the hours were used on, whether it was committee work, Rose Haven pruning, weeding, or other tasks: meetings, Board of Director tasks, etc. using the time sheet form passed out at the February Program Meeting. If you don't have the form just write the hours and tasks down on any piece of paper. Don't forget to add you name and phone number. The important thing is to write it down and turn it in to Kathy Katz. You will need to present this form and data to Kathy Katz who is the keeper of the data. This exercise should be done each month and turned in to Kathy each month. We need to keep track of these hours for various reasons, including awarding those who volunteer large amounts of time to our organization. Additionally, we need to provide this type of information while preparing grant applications. The form can be printed out here.

We have been having great attendance at the monthly Rose Haven Workshops and Frank Brines has been doing a great job holding the attention of these people who have come to learn the finer points of rose care. These workshops have turned out to last much longer than intended due to the enthusiasm of the participants. They are doing a great job pruning the roses and correcting problems created by poor pruning last year. Rose Haven is looking very good at this time. Only a fews roses are still requiring pruning.

It looks like we will fall short of our goal of increasing our membership by 20% during our recruitment drive, but we did achieve 10%, which is very good. Thanks for everyones help in welcoming the new members to the society. Rose bushes will be provided to the documented 2009 new members prior to the end of February at the March program meeting. An orientation session will be held on March 28th at Rose Haven for all the 2009 new members, plus all the 2008 new members.

New Page for Members on the Website

There is a new page at members.shtml where information for members – renewals, volunteer opportunities, and a new club Google calendar – will be centralized. There is a tutorial on reporting your volunteer hours, a new program to aid us in tracking your work for the Society which will also help us in applying for grants. Please check it out – and volunteer while you're at it.

That's a BIG LOAD of….

by Frank Brines
…composted mulch! To be exact: 160 cubic yards. Who says there's no such things as angels? Rose Haven has been the recipient of many miracles, and here is one more: Mr. Ed Campos of CR&R Waste Management, in cooperation with Agriscape of Murrieta, has once again blessed us with 160 cubic yards of composted mulch. Delivery will begin Monday March 2, 2009. We are very grateful for this generous gift, because it represents a large savings for our small organization's budget, not only in terms of materials, but also water savings and weed control. This gift is sure to please the plants at Rose Haven!

Rose Haven Heritage Garden Sponsors

Vineyard Valley Pest Control has been donating gopher control services to the garden since 2001. The business, founded in 1991 by Tony and Nina Cherniss, is located in Temecula. It is a general pest control company which specializes in gopher and aphid control and can be contacted at (951) 676-6760.

Before Vineyard Valley began its service at Rose Haven, 30-40 rose bushes were lost to gopher damage each year. The Temecula Valley Rose Society extends heartfelt thanks to the Cherniss family and Vineyard Valley Pest Control for their generous donation of time and materials, which helps so much to keep our garden blooming.

Rose Haven Update

by Bonnie Bell

At last, the pruning is finished and the garden fertilized. The mission was accomplished with loads of help from volunteers, members, and Chaparral High-school students under the direction of Phyllis Bettelheim. She assigned everyone a task and we all accepted our challenges. A special thank you to Bob Vandenbos, Carol Hudson, Betty Dixon, Kathy Katz, Frank Brines, and Ron and Sochie Rumbold for devoting many hours working and cheering each other on as each area was completed.

During March, when the roses are "sticks," the succulents, aloes, agave and cacti look marvelous. We have quite a variety and invite you to drop by and see for yourself. Look for the Succulent and Southwest garden areas. As for the roses, we currently await the leafing out and first buds to appear, then the spectacular "first bloom" mid-April. We encourage you to plan a visit to the garden and enjoy this stunning sight.

Succulent garden

One of the areas that has not received much attention is the Romantic Garden, next to the Gazebo. This area is planted with many beautiful and fragrant David Austin Roses. If any of you have knowledge in the care of these roses, please give us some input. Because it's a hike up the hill, we do not walk up there often enough to enjoy the roses, buy the view there is fantastic.

Our 3rd Saturday Education Workshops are proving quite a success. Please join us Saturday, March 21st if you would like to learn even more about the beloved rose. Wednesday and Saturday mornings continue to be the regular volunteer work days. There is always something to be done in the garden. The monthly Garden Development meeting is Wednesday, March 25th at 9 a.m. All members are invited to join the discussion. The garden is at 30500 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula.

Messages from Xochitl (Sochie) Rumbold

Opportunity table: If you have any gifts that you would like to donate, including potted plants, they would be greatly appreciated. The monies raised from your donations help pay for our meeting room and kitchen. Thank you for your help.

Excursions: The first Rose Society excursion will be to Quail Botanical Gardens, on April 7. I am also working on a trip to the Santa Rosa Plateau. Information on this trip will be given at the March 19 meeting.

If you have any other ideas for an interesting, informative day trip please let me know so that I may make some arrangements. Please bring your ideas on paper, with information regarding name of the organization, contact person and phone number, to our March 19 meeting, or call me at (951) 303-3350. Thank you for your interest in our excursions.

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, March 19
Time: 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30600 Pauba Road)
Topic: Growing Roses in a Drought Tolerant Garden

Katherine Botts is with the University of California, Riverside, Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program. She was an instructor and then administrator for the Child Development and Teacher Education Department at Mt. San Jacinto College until her retirement three years ago. Prior to her work at Mt. San Jacinto, Botts worked for a rare plant grower and then started her own interior plant design and maintenance business. She is currently studying native plant garden design and cultivation. She and her husband, Tim, garden on one and a half acres of sandy hillside in eastern Hemet.

Botts plans to share information, ideas and resources for growing roses in a carefully designed drought tolerant garden.

A light buffet luncheon will be served around noon. Guests are welcome.

February & March Birthdays

by Florence Blacharski – Sunshine Committee

New Members

Welcome New Members:
Margaret Meyncke, John Meyncke and JoAnn Summers.

All new members will receive a beautiful hybrid tea rose in a 5 gallon container at our March 19th general meeting.

New Member Orientation Meeting

by Xochitl Rumbold - Membership Chair
DATE: MARCH 28, 2009
TIME: 10:00 AM
PLACE: Rose Haven

New members will be given a member roster, by-laws, and brief history of the Temecula Valley Rose Society. Some of the new members from 2008 have received the aforementioned data, but they will be given updates. They may not have heard about the various committee's that they can serve on.

Committee chairpersons will be on hand to give you a brief summary of each committee's responsibilities. You may find one that you are interested in working on.

We will end the orientation with a tour of Rose Haven.

Excursion To Quail Botanical Gardens

by Xochitl Rumbold

This is the first of several local trips planned for the membership this year. Carpooling is advised, and makes for a more enjoyable trip.

Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Meet: Rose Haven – where you will receive maps and directions.
Time: Meet at Rose Haven at 9:00 AM
Quail Fee: FREE
Parking: $1.00, but free if you have 4 persons in the vehicle.

Quail Botanical Gardens, in Encinitas, has a most diverse and botanically important plant collection. Scenic walks and trails along deep canyons and sunny hillsides allow visitors glimpses of many different horticultural habitats. The history of the gardens is most interesting.

Some of the exhibits include:
 Rare bamboo groves, the most diverse in North America
 New and old world desert gardens
 Tropical rainforest
 California garden scapes
 Native plants
 Firescape – landscaping for fire safety
 Seeds of wonder – Children's garden and many other unique and delightful exhibits.

I hope that you don't miss seeing these wonderful gardens.

An Enchanting Evening in the Garden

Western Municipal Water District is hosting their Second Annual Earth Night in the Garden on Wednesday, April 22, 2009, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in their Conservation Garden located at 450 East Alessandro Blvd. in Riverside. This family event is anticipated to attract more than 2,000 community members.

Western Municipal Water District, along with Riverside Public Utilities, the city of Corona Department of Water & Power, and more than 20 non-profit inland organizations will host the event in an effort to give residents information on how to be good environmental stewards and protect Southern California’s precious water supply. The event will feature many wonderful exhibits and booths, plus:

  • Hands-on water education and conservation children’s activities.
  • “Bugs” presentation by the UCR Entomology Dept. Graduate Student Association.
  • Energy and solar power automobiles and related exhibits.
  • Healthy organic finger foods free to all attendees.
  • Free face painting and entertainment.
  • Live music.
  • Raffle prizes and giveaways.
  • And much, much more.

And the best part – it is free! For more information phone (951) 369-5908.

Society Friend: Daryl Brown

Daryl Brown, a local Irrigation Service professional, recently donated his services to install a float-controlled valve to stabilize the water level and the environment in our pond at Rose Haven.

Daryl has operated his own irrigation business since 1996, providing complete irrigation services, from design and installation to repair and retrofitting. No job is too big or too small, ranging from small residential yards to large groves and ranch systems. Daryl is committed to the highest quality standards, creating systems for optimum performance and efficiency, and with an eye to seamless upgrades should future needs arise. He achieves these results through open and thorough communication with his clients.

If you would like to confer with Daryl about how he can meet your irrigation needs phone him at (951) 805-8919 or e-mail to Show him that we appreciate his support of the Temecula Valley Rose Society and Rose Haven!

Photo of garden entrance

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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Consulting Rosarian

Frank Brines

Winter/Spring pruning should have been completed by the end of February. If not, don't delay much longer, as the plants are putting on new foliage which will need to be removed by pruning to perform to their fullest potential. Blooming will be somewhat delayed; to produce earlier blooms, prune slightly higher, approximately 24" to 36".

After pruning, be sure to apply "dormant spray" before the buds break. Thoroughly spray to wet the bushes and the surrounding soil. If plants already have new growth, follow the directions on the label for "growing season." With care, the soil areas can be sprayed at the "dormant rate" described on the label. Then apply Epsom Salts at a rate of 1/2 to 1 cup around the base of each plant (except for minis - use half as much for them).

Those of you who pruned fairly early (and didn't get frosted) are probably seeing abundant new red foliage emerging, perhaps 2" or 3" long. This indicates that it's time to begin a feeding program. Prior to feeding, be sure the plants have plenty of water, preferably the day before. To foster good root growth before the onset of hot summer weather, use a fertilizer that's a little higher in Phosphate - that's the "P" in "NPK."

I prefer organic fertilizers to chemical ones because organics foster better soil development, are less concentrated (so they are less likely to burn), and their nutrients are released more slowly. All this makes for richer, livelier soil. The ultimate aim for using organics to improve the soils is that eventually you'll need to feed less and less often, and thus save money. This is also one reason I apply a layer of composted mulch over the entire soil surface each year.

Another reason to use composted mulch is, of course, its ability to insulate the soil, keeping the upper 8" to 12" of soil where most rose roots live cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Water is going to be at a premium this year and next, as local water districts introduce tiered pricing. Mulching will help your soil retain water and will ensure that it is evenly distributed.

Getting back to feeding: Try to establish a regular program for feeding, preferably twice a month. In my gardens I make one of those feedings fish emulsion to ensure that my plants get essential micro-nutrients that some soils lack.

Investigate your irrigation system to make sure that all points of delivery are working properly. If you need help with this, refer to the list of supporters and donors to our society and Rose Haven.

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TVRS Board of Directors Meeting
Temecula Public Library – Community Room
30600 Pauba Road, Temecula
2009: Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, Jun 11
From 10 a.m. to noon.

TVRS Member Meeting
Temecula Public Library – Community Room
30600 Pauba Road, Temecula
2009: Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 16, May 21, Jun 18
From 10:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Rose Haven 3rd Saturday Garden Workshop
30500 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula
2009: Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 16
From 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Rose Haven Garden Committee Meeting
30500 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula
2009: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27
From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Youth Gardening Council of Temecula Valley
The Bank of Mexico Restaurant
Corner of Main St. & Old Town Front St., Temecula
2009: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27
From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Committee Meetings will also be held after the monthly Member meeting from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

To see other events click here.

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