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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the ARS

The Valley Rose

Sept 2008                 Vol. 19, No. 09

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Last Rose of Summer gathering

Co-President's Message

by Frank Brines
 Thanks to all who attended the August member's meeting! We had a lot of participation and the brainstorming generated many great ideas to help in our strategic planning. (For more information, see the article by Co-President Kathy Katz in this issue of the newsletter.) The organization's Board of Directors works very hard toward making meetings and events interesting for everyone. It is always rewarding when you attend and participate. I am always very pleased when you invite guests. I can't always have the pleasure of meeting them on my own, so please make a point of introducing me after the meetings or during other events.

Save the date of September 27 to enjoy food and music in the garden at Rose Haven at "The Last Rose of Summer" celebration, our annual fundraiser for the Rose Haven maintenance fund. Plan to enjoy two hours in support of Rose Haven. Buy your tickets now-and buy a few for your special guests so we can keep Rose Haven looking beautiful.

The next general membership meeting is September 18 and First Vice President Sochie Rumbold has a great speaker lined up: Dixie Dahl will be demonstrating some rose arranging techniques. Dixie has won many awards and is widely recognized as a superb rose arranger, so please attend and bring a guest to learn and enjoy.

Be sure to check the full schedule of events elsewhere in the newsletter. I expect to see you in attendance!

PS: I apologize to the member who came to me after the meeting with a question regarding a rose bush whose foliage has turned bronze/burgundy. I promised to research and get back to you, but I don't remember who the person was! So, if you'll contact me again, maybe I can come over and take a look at the bush so I can research it further.

Co-President's Message

by Kathy Katz
 Our August meeting was different as we focused on strategic planning. In beginning our strategic planning we took the opportunity to note both our successes and our difficulties. Through planning we can circumvent anticipated problems and also support those activities that work for us.

In order to understand ourselves as a Society, we need to understand our past – as someone great said 'Past is prologue'. In 1999 we were fortunate to be the subject of a local gardening program 'In and Out the Garden'. At our August meeting we showed this video and we were able to appreciate that our current successes are built on our past successes. If you have not seen the video, check it out from our Society library. Denise Vacarro will be most pleased to assist you.

As a Society we elect a Board of Directors at our November annual meeting whose responsibility it is to manage the activities of the Society for that year. As a member we each have a responsibility to bring to the attention of Board members any problems and frustrations that have been experienced as well as what has been loved and appreciated.

We are at the beginning of our strategic planning process. Please share your thoughts, concerns and suggestions. Please feel free to contact me at .

Our meetings and programs, lunches and social times seem quite lovely. The Rose and Arts Festival, with our emphasis on the arts, is generally appreciated in the community.

As to Rose Haven, the amount of maintenance for our lovely, expanded garden can sometimes seem to be overwhelming and beyond the abilities of just our members. Recognizing our limitations, we sought professional assistance with the weeds and erosion resulting from the otherwise lovely spring rains.

It seems obvious in retrospect that we need to provide a way to fund the care of the garden. We have obtained grants for garden development. For upkeep and promotion, Rose Haven needs an endowment fund and this is the direction in which we need to move.

Our major fundraiser for Rose Haven is the 'Last Rose of Summer' event scheduled for Saturday, September 27 at Rose Haven. I hope everyone will come and enjoy this event and bring a couple of friends. There will be light refreshments and the music of the Valley Wind Swing Band. Send your donation of $25 per person to our TVRS post office box. We all look forward to seeing you among the roses.

New Members

by Bonnie Bell, Membership Chair
A warm welcome to our new members:
 Beryl Murray
 Pierre Mainguene
 Jean & Murray Triplett
 Beth Jensen
 Rosalinda Henry

New Rose Introductions

Excerpted from American Rose Society Sept/Oct "American Rose" magazine.
 In the recent ARS "American Rose" magazine there is a wonderful article with color photographs of the 2009 New Rose Introductions. There were 39 roses showcased in the article. We cannot list them all, so here is a small selection for your enjoyment. At our September Member Meeting, a copy of the magazine will be available at the Library and Membership tables. We encourage all our members to join the ARS, our parent affiliate.

"Enchanted Evening" – a fragrant, lavender floribunda with silver petal reverse. Comments: Has a hypnotic citrus scent beautifully complementing large clusters of lavender blooms that sparkle with a twilight hued color play with excellent disease resistance on a compact rounded plant. The rose is fantastic for mixed perennial beds, borders, and containers. Blooms are 3 ˝", petal count 20-25, fragrance is very strong citrus. Jackson & Perkins.

Enchahted Evening

"Lady Bird" – a coral orange lightly fragrant hybrid tea rose. Comments: Is large-flowered with a striking, warm bloom color, great vase life, and long stems. Named after former first lady, Lady Bird Johnson. Blooms are 5", petal count 35-40, fragrance is light spicy, and height is 5'. Jackson & Perkins.

Lady Bird

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, Sept 18
Time: 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: Temecula Library (30600 Pauba Road)
Topic: Flower arranging for the home.
 Dixie Dahl will be presenting the art of floral arranging using various techniques. She has been demonstrating this art form for the past five years.

  Her many accomplishments are as follows: She's an accredited ARS (American Rose Society) horticulture, rose, and arrangement judge, holds three certificates as an Ikebana floral arranger, which she also teaches. She is active in the “Art Alive” arrangements in Balboa Park Art Museum. She's a member of various other organizations including the San Diego Rose Society and the California Coastal Rose Society.

A light buffet luncheon will be served around noon. Guests are welcome.

Birthdays This Month

by Florence Blacharski - Sunshine Committee
Betty Dixon, John Flanagan, Kathy Katz, Carol Landry Marian Mauch, Melinda Mauch, Joe Polzin, Ron Rumbold

Little Rose Show Competition

Co-Chairs: Frank Brines and Rebecca Weersing

At the monthly meetings from April through November 2008 we will conduct six Little Rose Shows. These will be fun opportunities to learn and polish your skills in exhibiting roses. Each month, you will receive points for any specimen that is awarded first, second, or third place. In addition, you will receive a prize if your rose is judged Rose of the Day. And at the Holiday Meeting, a grand prize will be awarded to the exhibitor who accumulated the highest number of points during all the preceding Little Rose Shows.

Rose shows are organized into "classes." We will be using these six classes:

Class 1: One hybrid tea or grandiflora shown without side buds.
Class 2: One floribunda without side buds.
Class 3: One miniature without side buds.
Class 4: One floribunda spray.
Class 5: One miniature spray.
Class 6: One stem of any other type or unknown.

Points will be given to the best rose in each class, based on ARS guidelines:
  • First Place: 5 points.
  • Second Place: 3 points.
  • Third Place: 1 point.

The first place winners in each section will be judged against each other to determine the Rose of the Day. That entry will be awarded an additional 3 points and displayed separately.

Here are the rules that we will follow:

  • All roses must be properly named and entered in the appropriate section. (Don't worry, Rebecca and Frank will do their best to help you identify your nameless varieties!)
  • Exhibitors must supply their own containers. (You already have these. 12 oz beverage bottles are ideal for large roses; 4-6oz beverage containers work well for miniature roses.)
  • Each exhibitor is limited to six entries per show. You may concentrate your entries in one section or distribute them over all the sections.
  • The club will supply entry tags; only the top section needs to be filled out. (We'll show you how.)
  • Your specimens will be judged based on the ARS guidelines. (This is a great opportunity to learn by doing!)
  • Exhibitors are asked to remove all specimens at the end of the meeting.

Rose Haven Update

by Bonnie Bell
 Woohoo, here it is September and Rose Haven is ready for our "Last Rose of Summer" event. Plants were fertilized, water adjusted, and paths graded to make walking through the garden much easier. The garden should look gorgeous for the event. We invite all our members and friends to join in the fun on Saturday, September 27th. So many of our members have volunteered to make our garden and this event special, we surely would appreciate everyone attending. Funds raised will be for the maintenance of the garden.

At our regular monthly Rose Haven meeting we discussed a 2009 maintenance budget, erosion control, and planting a rose "fence" along Cabrillo to replace the dilapidated split rail fence. A couple other items on our wish list are: additional concrete tables and benches for the picnic area, and a new entry sign at the corner of Jedediah Smith and Cabrillo. All of our members are invited to participate in the monthly planning meeting held the 4th Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. We hope to see you at our next meeting September 24th. The address is 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula 92592.

Erosion control berms
Erosion control berms.

Picnic area
Picnic area.

Community Outreach

by Simonne Arnould
  Last month May Olson joined our Blooming Angels volunteers. May has been cutting roses at Rose Haven each Monday and delivering the bouquets to the Senior Citizen Center in Murrieta. Thank you so much May, I appreciate your effort so much.

Currently we have four members taking roses to community offices and libraries but can always use more. Please let me know if you can join Ann, Peggy, May and myself in this Community Outreach project. There are only a couple more months of rose blooms to share and the recipients are tremendously appreciative.

I would also like to sincerely thank Terry Hawkins for being such a good sport and helping me during these past years. She delivered many, many bouquets but is unable to continue at this time. Thank you, Terry.

Please call me if you feel you can come aboard this wonderful adventure at 951-677-4272. Regards, Simonne.

A Message From Bill Scheufler

Dear Members,
 Recently my friend, Mike Geer, and I had lunch and then went to visit Rose Haven. We sat at the table in the parking area, which was perfect for viewing the gardens. I must say that I have never seen it so beautiful. Every bush seemed perfect to me and the overall view was very impressive. I just want to thank all those involved in keeping it so lovely, and to encourage others to help out. As your former president, I take great pride in taking friends to the garden. Thanks for all your efforts.
Sincerely, Bill Scheufler.

Continued from the previous column.

"Rock & Roll" – a grandiflora with creamy buds opening to reveal wild stripes of burgundy, red, and white. Comments: Each petal unfurls to reveal a different pattern of stripes with deep green leaves, good fragrance, and is great for cutting and smelling. Blooms are large, petal count 35+, fragrance is strong rose and fruit, and height is medium/upright, full and bushy. Weeks Roses.
Rock and Roll

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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Consulting Rosarian
 September in Southern California hints at the cooler weather to come, usually in the temperature range favored by roses. It's a busy month for gardeners. If you haven't done a late summer pruning, now is the perfect time. Pruning now will allow for one or two more cycles of blooms, and help make it easier for you to accomplish some other tasks that need attention this time of year.

September is a good time to do fall cleaning. After that pruning, remove all weeds and collect and dispose of all other debris such as fallen petals and leaves. Do not compost the rose material: Disease organisms can often carry over in them. If you saw disease this year and you are using a top dressing other than composted mulch, it may be a good idea to remove that material too. Replace it with composted mulch to moderate water and temperature and to nourish the soil.

Now that you've got more room to move around in the garden, fertilize with an organic product that is slightly higher in phosphate. (To learn more about this important mineral nutrient read 'The Mystery of Phosphorous' article here.) As always, water your plants the day before; if you apply a dry fertilizer and you have a drip irrigation system, water the fertilizer in by hand to make sure it gets down into the root zone. I like to alternate dry fertilizers with diluted fish emulsion. Always read the direction on all product packaging. In general, it's advisable to use a little less than to use too much.

If you didn't apply magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) last month to stimulate new cane production, do it now. Sprinkle it beneath the plant out near the drip line and scratch it in gently so you don't damage the feeder roots that are often near the surface; for hybrid teas, apply 3/4 to 1 cup; for miniatures, use 1/2 cup.

September is also a good month to plan and prepare for future improvements in your garden. Request rose catalogs from suppliers, select new varieties or old favorites. It's an ideal time to transfer potted roses into the ground. If a rose didn't perform well or has other unfavorable conditions, now is a great time to "shovel prune" it-that is, take it out and throw it away! (I confess that I have great difficulty parting with roses, especially those who seem to need special rehabilitation!) When you remove a rose that has suffered from "suckers" (shoots coming off of the root stock) be sure you get all those suckers too. You don't need to eradicate every last root, and you almost never have to replace the soil unless the spot has very poor drainage. You can remove the plant even if you don't yet have a replacement plant-just fill the hole back in for now.

And while you're planning for next year, consider adding companion plants such as daffodils, iris, and freesias. When planted along the front margin of a rose garden they are lovely additions that provide interest before and during your first bloom cycle of next year, and they don't compete for soil space with your roses.

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TVRS Board of Directors Meeting
Sterling Senior Community
41780 Butterfield Stage Rd., Temecula
2008: Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11
2009: Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, Jun 11
From 10 a.m. to noon.

TVRS Member Meeting
Temecula Public Library
30600 Pauba Road, Temecula
2008: Aug 21, Sep 18, Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 18
2009: Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 16, May 21, Jun 18
From 10:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Rose Haven 3rd Saturday Garden Workshop
30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula
2008: Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 15
2009: Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 16
From 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Rose Haven Garden Committee Meeting
30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula
2008: Aug 27, Sep 24, Oct 22, Nov 19
2009: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27
From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Youth Gardening Council of Temecula Valley
The Bank of Mexico Restaurant
Corner of Main St. & Old Town Front St., Temecula
2008: Aug 27, Sep 24, Oct 22, Nov 19
2009: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27
From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Committee Meetings will also be held after the monthly Member meeting from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

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