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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the ARS

The Valley Rose

August 2008                 Vol. 19, No. 08

Jump to ARS Feature Article: Nutrient Uptake
Jump to Frank Brines' Rose Care FUNdamentals
Jump to Community Outreach for August
Jump to Birthdays for July & August
Jump to Calendar of Events

Co-President's Message

by Frank Brines
 The Temecula Valley Rose Society "went dark" for the month of July, but now we're back in the light. Some members were unable to take a recess, as Rose Haven never sleeps. I'm greatly appreciative of those who diligently labored to meet her needs. Some committees also continued to meet and to serve the community, such as the Flowers for Friends who deliver bouquets each week to several local places. (See Community Outreach here.) Many volunteer opportunities are coming up. Plan to participate and get friends, family, and neighbors involved with you.

Why not invite some folks to join you at an announced Rose Haven activity or special event? Several events are planned-see the schedule in this issue of the newsletter for more details. You can also invite folks to the next membership meeting the third Thursday of the month (August 21). New members are always welcomed and you will be doing them a favor by introducing them to a great club! The topic of the next meeting will be strategic planning and grants, so bring your talent and ideas.

You can even attend board meetings if you like. The board is an elected group that directs the organization toward solvency and to fulfilling the club's charter to provide social and educational opportunities devoted to the flower we all love: The Rose. The board meets every second Thursday (August 14 this month) at Sterling Senior Community (see the Calendar for the location). Your input is always welcome.

Co-President's Message

by Kathy Katz
 As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” At our August meeting we are going to discuss which road we want to travel during the next several years. Back in the spring Myra Gonsalves and I attended a training session on strategic planning. I would like for us – as a Society – to develop a strategic plan. Input from every member is needed.

Just as our roses are resting before another round of bloom, our Society is in a resting mode right now. We can use this reflective period to our advantage and take time to engage in strategic planning. Strategic planning is not just normal planning. It is an opportunity for us to contemplate our future and to give direction to our Board of Directors. Strategic planning will set our direction for the next several years.
 1. We will spend a few minutes reviewing how we have arrived at our current crossroads by talking about our history. “Where we are at now.”
 2. We need to determine what our strengths are and commit ourselves to those strengths. “How we arrived at this point.”
 3. We need to talk seriously about our frustrations, burnout and failures.(Well there must be some!) We will prioritize our needs and decide how to address these needs. (Don't just let life happen.) “What hasn’t worked and what will work.”
 4. We need to look at additional opportunities and solutions that will lead to invigorating current members and attracting new members. “Who helps us succeed.”
 5. We will look for new sponsors and funding to accomplish our goals. We need to cultivate old friends. “Who will lend a helping hand.”

Why should we spend time on a strategic plan? Remember that a poor plan well executed is better than a great plan put aside and forgotten. Our goal is to have a great plan, well executed.

ARS Membership

By Bonnie Bell, Membership Chair

By now you may realize that our TVRS group is an affiliate of the American Rose Society, a national non-profit educational organization that is committed to the culture and preservation of roses and their history. An ARS membership provides you with a bi-monthly informative magazine in full color that will delight beginners and experienced rose growers alike. Their website,, is chock full of articles and information that is easily accessed. The "American Rose Annual" and the "Handbook for Selecting Roses" are coveted by rose growers, plus free admission to reciprocating gardens across the nation are included in one annual fee. We fully support the ARS and encourage our members to join. Applications may be obtained at our Membership Table.

And here's an enticement for new members who join our society between July and December 2008, a FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP in the ARS. This offer consists of a Free Trial 4-month membership in the American Rose Society. This trial membership will include:
 Two issues of the American Rose Magazine
 A list of ARS Partners offering discounts
 The Reciprocal Garden Guide
 An invitation to apply for the US Bank Credit Card
 An ARS Membership Identification Card
 Other benefits adding up to a $34 value.

 If you are interested in this special offer contact the Membership Person, Bonnie Bell.

Community Outreach

By Simonne Arnould

Ann Coakes, Peggy Whitney, and myself are busy bees at Rose Haven. We are picking and arranging bouquets to bring to different institutions every week, such as the two libraries in Temecula, and in Murrieta the Chamber of Commerce and the City Hall and library. It is so much fun to get involved with this project – and very rewarding. My sincere thanks go to Ann and Peggy, lovely ladies who help me to carry the "torch," I mean rose bouquets in the Valley.

The "More the Merrier" they say. Call me at 951-677-4272 if you feel you can come aboard this wonderful adventure. Regards, Simonne.

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, August 21
Time: 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Place: Temecula Library (30600 Pauba Road)
Topic: Strategic Planning & Grant Writing
 This is our annual brain storming session. If you have some ideas for the up-coming year now's the time to suggest them.

A light buffet luncheon will be served around noon. Guests are welcome.

Birthdays This Month

by Florence Blacharski - Sunshine Committee
July-Dixie Coda, Bonnie Bell, John Cundiff, Annette Everett, Saundra Felker, Pat Metro, Cheryl Miller, Cordelia Snow. August-Roberta Costa, Doris Ford, Ellen Noell, Al Perez, Bill Scheufler, Kathy Scheufler.

Rose Haven Update

By Bonnie Bell

Rose Haven can proudly hold its head up high. We want to thank everyone who helped spread mulch. It was quite a challenge, but it's finished and what an improvement to the appearance of the garden. The weeds are gone and the garden is in its glory. Yes, we had to hire a crew to help us weed, but the decision was well worth it. Enjoying a walk through the paths is a pleasant opportunity to really see the diversity of the garden areas. The pond is teeming with tiny fish and water lilies. The view this summer from the gazebo is spectacular as everything is in bloom. There will be a special Deadheading Party on Saturday, August 16th at 5:30 p.m. Bring your own brown bag sandwich or dinner and beverage and enjoy with other members/friends in the picnic area at 6:30 after an hour of trimming. It's been a while since we've held a deadhead/picnic and in the past it has proven to be great fun – a good chance to catch up on news and enjoy the garden too.

Wednesday and Saturday mornings are still the member volunteer days. Time during summer is generally 8 to 10 a.m. The address is 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula 92592. See you there.

Paths and mulch.
Paths and mulch.

Let’s Get Ready! Let’s Travel! Let’s Party!

By Rebecca Weersing
 During the next two months we have three opportunities to enjoy our roses and gardens in a different way. We hope you will join us for these special events.

Saturday, August 16 we will be meeting at Rose Haven to deadhead and fertilize the garden, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Bring your own summer supper to savor and a simple dessert to share. Summer in the early evening at Rose Haven is most delightful. We have six weeks to our ‘Last Rose of Summer’ event so our work party will serve a dual purpose – preening the garden while visiting among our roses.

The Wasco Festival of Roses is always the first weekend after Labor Day so this year Friday, September 5 to Sunday, September 7 would be a great time for us to attend this event. We would each be responsible for providing our own transport to Wasco on Friday with the promise of an evening at a Carnival and a Wine and Roses Reception. Saturday is packed full of activities: a pancake breakfast, a parade, an art show and faire, an ARS rose show, rose field tours, a museum and a pit barbecue lunch. Phyllis Bettleheim and Bonnie Bell recommend dinner at a Basque Restaurant located near the Doubletree Hotel in Bakersfield, which they found to be a great place to stay and proved to be within 29 miles of Wasco. (Each of us will make our own hotel arrangements. To stay at the Doubletree call 661-323-7111. Check-in is 3 p.m. and check-out is noon.) After a leisurely Sunday morning we would all head back to Temecula on our own.

Our ‘Last Rose of Summer’ event is our major fundraising event for Rose Haven. Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 27 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. This year, instead of a dinner, we will graze through the garden–tasting a wide variety of light foods and beverages. We are changing the format of the evening because we want to keep the event moderately priced at $25. Please invite your family and friends to join us for what we hope will be a delightful evening benefiting our garden. Send a check made payable to TVRS (write ‘Last Rose of Summer’ on memo line) for the number of attendees to P.O. Box 890367, Temecula, CA 92589-0367. We will not be distributing tickets but rather have a list at the garden with your name for a party of ‘x’ people.

For additional information e-mail or call her at her cell (951) 760-0332. So dust off your dancing shoes and join us for some fun during the next two months.

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Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Consulting Rosarian
 July and August are usually quite hot in the Temecula Valley, so take steps to protect your roses—give them a rest! When flowers fade, remove only the spent petals; do not prune away the flower stems. This prevents the plant from initiating new growth to replace the flowers that have been pruned away. New growth puts the plant under stress during the harshest time of the year and the tender shoots will almost certainly be damaged by the heat. Likewise, during the hot summer months it is advisable to not fertilize or, at least, to cut back.

This does not mean forgoing soil amendments such as applying a layer (at least 2") of mulch. You won't make it without mulch! True, it does provide a bit of nutrition, but not enough to push the plant into a major growth spurt. Its main benefits are to help the soil hold moisture longer by spreading it out in the root zone, as well as moderating soil temperatures. These are essential during our Southern California drought.

Mulch can include anything that shades the soil. I prefer to use composted mulch, available in bulk from various local suppliers, because its nutrients are readily available. You can also use a combination of leaves, grass clippings, coffee grounds, pine needles, etc. (Pine needles are terrific because they tend to be very airy and allow water to penetrate easily, and they eventually break down to acidify the soil.) Shredded wood products are often available for free or at a low cost from arborists, the county, or municipalities. (Be warned,

however: In a previous garden, I applied shredded wood products and was dismayed that it eventually bred mats of fungus that made the soil impenetrable to water!)

Another big help during the hot summer months is a drip watering system because it delivers water so efficiently to the root zone. You'll want to survey your plants regularly, however, to monitor the system's output: Watch for individual plants that show signs of wilting or stress, and look closely to determine if that plant's emitters are operating properly. If the entire bed seems stressed, increase the duration of the watering time.

Also, schedule watering for before sunrise so your plants are well hydrated before the heat begins. It is a myth that watering roses in the evening or at night fosters disease; such watering is harmful only if your already dusty leaves (which harbor mold spores) are splashed with water. Drip watering keeps the water down on the ground where it can't do any damage.

If you are an intrepid exhibitor and want roses for an upcoming show, count 6 to 8 weeks back from the date of the show and dare to do a mid-season feeding and pruning—but stay vigilant for any signs of water stress! I prefer to use organic fertilizers and I look for a higher level of phosphate in the products I use. It is also a good time to make your second application of the year of magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts). Apply three-quarters to 1 cup around the base of the plant to each plant, and scratch and/or water it in. (Note: You can also remove rose thorns from your fingers by soaking them in an Epsom salt solution!)

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TVRS Board of Directors Meeting
Sterling Senior Community
41780 Butterfield Stage Rd., Temecula
2008: Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11
2009: Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14, Jun 11
From 10 a.m. to noon.

TVRS Member Meeting
Temecula Public Library
30600 Pauba Road, Temecula
2008: Aug 21, Sep 18, Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 18
2009: Jan 15, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 16, May 21, Jun 18
From 10:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Rose Haven 3rd Saturday Garden Workshop
30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula
2008: Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 15
2009: Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 16
From 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Rose Haven Garden Committee Meeting
30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula
2008: Aug 27, Sep 24, Oct 22, Nov 19
2009: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27
From 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Youth Gardening Council of Temecula Valley
The Bank of Mexico Restaurant
Corner of Main St. & Old Town Front St., Temecula
2008: Aug 27, Sep 24, Oct 22, Nov 19
2009: Jan 28, Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27
From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Committee Meetings will also be held after the monthly Member meeting from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

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