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Temecula Valley Rose Society

An Affiliate of the American Rose Society

The Valley Rose

April 2018 Roses Vol. 29, No. 04


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President's Message

by Rebecca Weersing

TVRS PresidentS pring has sprung and here we are on pins and needles wondering when our roses will bloom. For many years past we had our annual Member Garden Tour in May. Recently we changed the Tour to April as Nature gave us blooms starting in early April rather than May. Who knows what will happen this year! With the coolish weather our roses might be confused so let us home for a few warm days between now and our Tour on April 19. We hope to have our blooms pop!

"Songs of the Garden"

by Margaret Granlund

The Temecula Valley Garden Club invites our Society to attend their Flower Show and Plant Sale on Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Temecula Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road. Enjoy horticultural, floral design, photography and youth exhibits. Also think about exhibiting as well! For more information about the show, visit the Temecula Valley Garden Club.

Macaroni Grill Restaurant Fundraiser

by Brenda Jahanbani

The Temecula Valley Rose Society is holding a fundraiser on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at Romano's Macaroni Grill Restaurant on Margarita Road in Temecula. We invite everyone to join us, enjoy a delightful meal, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Society. The invitation for dining is from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Those who wish to come as a group, we will meet at 4:30 at the restaurant and secure large tables. Attached to a recent email is a flyer and a three course plated menu, but you can choose any item off the regular menu. Please tell your waitperson you are with the Rose Society or bring the flyer. Hope to see everyone there.

Rose Haven First Bloom & Plant Sale

by Rebecca Weersing

Sharing our garden with the community is the reason that we have a garden. We will welcome the community to stroll through the garden. At 2 p.m. we will be entertained by a Quintet.

As part of this special day we will have a plant sale. If you have plants or roses that you would like to donate to the sale please keep them healthy between now and May. We will send an email of when we will do potting at the garden and when you can bring the plants to the garden.

What a trip!

by Rebecca Weersing

Those of us who visited Descanso Gardens had a lovely day. The camellias and azaleas under the huge live oak trees, large beds of tulips and cherry tress in bloom were just some of the plant delights that we saw. Below are photos from our trip.

Cherry tree

A Rose By Any Other Name ... Six

by Jim Moss

Having gone through the use of the word rose in connection to religion, and other uses, we now turn our attention to references to the rose in Heraldry, History, War and things of the past. But bear in mind that this series is about the many references to roses in ALL contexts. It has been my research that no other flower or plant is so remembered as the most named in so many instances in our history and culture.

For reasons that have been lost in history, roses were widely used in heraldry in the Middle Ages, particularly in England. France, for example, has always been associated with the iris, or Fleur de Lis. Holland was the same with tulips, and other nations with their favorite flowers.

In ancient Heraldry roses along with other symbols such as plants, animals, shapes and an array of other distinguishing designs were used. I am of the opinion that the rose was displayed only by Royalty or high Nobility due to its relative scarcity on Arms of all classes. For those who do not understand the term "Heraldry", this was, and still is, the practice of the high born families of Europe to adopt a personal emblem for their battle flags, shields and family Coats of Arms. The origin of this practice was to enable battle leaders to identify their troops from the enemy, and to allow the battle commander (King) to know his people from those opposing him. The rose was a popular such emblem.

Probably the most famous example of this type of clannish use of flowers to identify ones family was "The Wars of the Roses". These wars began in the late 1300s and lasted well into the next century. The warring factions were the followers of some descendants of King Edward III, who were the Lancaster family. Their emblem was the red Rose of Lancaster. This rose is still with us today, known as the "Apothecary's Rose". The opposing armies supported another branch of the same family. They were of the House of York and their emblem was a white rose. I cannot find the common name of this cultivar. Perhaps it has been lost to history.

At any event, the Wars of the Roses came to a sudden halt when Henry Tudor, a Lancastrian married his cousin, Elizabeth of York! So, decades of death and destruction were ended when a couple of folks got married. This marriage began the era of the Tudor monarchs. Henry became King Henry VII and his wife was Queen Elizabeth, but not THE Elizabeth. Their son, Henry VIII, of six wives fame, and his daughter Elizabeth I were some of the Tudor monarchs.

I hope this bit of history involving roses has not been too boring. Next month I'll see if I can come up with something more interesting.

Photography in the Garden

by Ann Schryer

On a recent trip to Fiji I did not want to carry my usual 20 pounds of cameras and photographic equipment. The only camera I took with me was a tiny one, the size of a small cell phone. It does have a zoom lens, and that was all I needed to get great vacation photos. How? Because good photos are about the basics, not fancy equipment.

If you want to take better photos of your roses, garden, family, or vacation, it is all about remembering 3 basic rules.

1. Good light. The closer you are to either sunrise or sunset, the better the light is for photos. Try to avoid the very bright light of mid day. It washes out all the colors and creates harsh shadows. Bright overcast days are PERFECT for photography. I wish we had more of them here.

2. Focus. Simple cameras will focus for you, yet many of our photos come out a bit blurred. Why? Because we move when we take the photo. Holding a small camera still can be challenging, especially because you are holding it out away from you to see the screen on the back. The secret is to brace yourself as much as possible. Lean against something if there is a wall or other structure to use for that purpose. If there is nothing to lean against, then you must stand as still as you can. Take a wider stance than usual. Don't hold your arms way out from your body, as that almost insures movement. Instead clamp your arms as close to your sides as possible while still looking at the screen. And when you are about to press the shutter, hold your breath. The point is to make your body the most stable tripod substitute you can.

3. Compose your photo. Take time to look at the whole scene, especially what is behind your subject. There's nothing worse than taking a great photo, printing it, and then realizing that there is something ugly or distracting in it that ruins an otherwise beautiful shot.

A simple rule the pros will tell you is that if you aren't happy with your photos, get closer. If you want good closeups of roses, make sure you buy a camera that will focus up close. Try it out in the store before buying. Many simple "point and shoot" cameras have a special button for close up shots.

It's spring. Get out and take pictures of those gorgeous flowers! It doesn't take a heavy, expensive camera to take great photos.

Member Meeting Program

Date: Thursday, April 19
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Topic: Member Garden Tour (meet at Rose Haven)
Place: Maps will be handed out at Rose Haven.

Four garden tour: Don Nordike, May Olson, Jim & Laurie Moss, Ann Coakes.
Thank you to our members who will be sharing their gardens with us. We will meet at Rose Haven at 9:30 a.m. Plan on a walkabout to see all of the changes and enjoy the many blooms. Maps will be distributed at Rose Haven. About 10:00 a.m. we will head to our first garden. At our fourth garden we will enjoy lunch as well as Ann's garden. For those carpooling we should return to Rose Haven between 1 and 1:30 pm.


April Birthdays & New Members

  April 14 Virginia Boos, 13 Ann Coakes, 9 Val Fujihara, 8 Howard Katz, 8 Ann Schryer, 5 Marian Stovenel, 13 Pat Torres, 28 Rebecca Weersing, 1 Dan Wyncott
New Members
  There are no new members this month.

Rose Haven Garden

by Bonnie Bell
   Spring is here and the garden is extremely inviting. There has been quite an increase in visitors which we are so happy to see after the cold snap in March (as in freezing). Several groups have been requesting more information on the flora and fauna so several members are gathering information to print and we anticipate docent training soon.

The "Tom Sawyer" fence painting project along Jedediah Smith and our driveway was quite an undertaking. Thank You to the Ortega family for donating all the paint, and to all the volunteers that scraped, repaired, painted, and painted until we dropped. The fence looks 100% better as you can see by the photos. Ann, Richard, Phyllis, Denise, Roy, Virginia, Ben, Dan, Jim, Laurie, and Nardo: we so much appreciate your time and effort in accomplishing this much needed task.

Our next garden committee meeting is Wednesday, April 25th at 9:30. We will discuss garden improvements, projects, signage, and special events. All members are invited to attend.

Roll On!
Looking great

Rose Haven garden is at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd. in Temecula.

Little Rose Show

by Virginia Boos

The next chance to enter the Little Rose Show will be at our May 17th meeting. The home tour takes the place of our April meeting.

We can bring lots of our beautiful rose blooms which should be showing off their colors by then. The table is big, so we can fill it up! Members always love to see all the different varieties in the 6 classes. Instructions and tags are available but you do need to bring your own vases. Let's show our "flower power".

Raffle Table Information

by Virginia Boos

We all love the raffle table - but it's not easy to keep it stocked with useful gardening items. Currently, CPS (was L&M) donates each month, plus individual members who have a new item they aren't using can donate it. Some members purchase items just for that purpose.

If you regularly shop at a local store, they might be willing to add to our bounty if you ask. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Sawyer Painting Parties

by Virginia Boos

It was a sight to behold—6 bustling workers and painters—scrambling to get some paint on the fence at Rose Haven along Jedediah Smith Rd. It hadn't been painted in probably 30 years or more. Scraping and wirebrushing gave a good foundation. Laurie Moss was the super painter, going so fast with her roller that it was almost unbelievable. A second coat is needed, plus some brush touchup, so the job won't be finished for a while, depending on weather.

Thanks to Fred Ortega who donated 12 gallons of paint. An especially big thank you to the workers Bonnie, Phyllis, Virginia, Ann, Jim, and Laurie, with Richard Schryer pounding in loose nails for us. A second party was held on March 24th, adding Dan and Ben to the gang. If I'm forgetting to mention someone, my apology. All the hard work is appreciated. As Bonnie said, it's looking darn good. We can be proud of what we have accomplished.

Book Review by Linda Freeman

"Rainbow - A History of the Rose in California" by Darrell Schramm 2017

This book covers the story of how roses came to California. It starts with the first mention of native roses by missionaries and explorers and the Rose of Castile myth.

Elenea Rotchev, wife of the Russian-American administrator of Fort Ross and General Vallejo were rose growers. The Gold Rush also brought many new merchants and international botanists to California and nurseries sprang up with roses for sale that were brought from the east coast of America, Europe, and Australia.

The book has a chronological history of rose nurseries and an extensive list of cultivars that were offered, lists of "lost roses". It covers the history of nurseries in Northern and Southern California. The Howard Rose Company in 1908 had 1,000 acres growing two million roses in Hemet!

Of the first forty-two roses that were bred in California between 1883-1923, ten still survive. Franz Hosp of Riverside is discussed for his "Climbing Cecile Brunner" 1894 which is easily found for sale today.

The book has great color photographs. This is quick read and a good resource book if you want to establish a California rose garden or simply like history.

Learn to be a Docent!

by Rebecca Weersing

Occasionally we have events or visiting groups at Rose Haven. We have a need for a number of volunteers to serve as docents. [A docent is a person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis - such as at Rose Haven.]

Please join us on Wednesday, April 4 at 9:30 a.m. to learn about the history of our garden and the story of our garden plants. We will spend about an hour walking and talking in the garden. We will have a map of the garden with information about each area in the garden.

This spring we have four opportunities for docents:
Tuesday, April 17 at 10 am: Canyon Lake Garden Club
Saturday, April 28 at 10 am: UCR Botanical Group
Sunday, May 20 from 11 am to 3 pm: Rose Haven First Bloom & Plant Sale
Saturday, June 23 from 7 pm: Night of the Luminairies

Our home is to have a number of people available to share the joy of our garden.

Grocery Cards Benefit TVRS

   Dear Members: I trust that you have made a determined effort to use Stater Bros. Scrip/Gift Cards for your everyday normal purchases. Even in these financially difficult times we all must eat. Purchasing a $100 Scrip Card will let you spend $100 for groceries at Stater Bros. There is no extra expense or donation coming out of your pocket and the Rose Society will get a $6.00 donation for the upkeep of the Garden. Your support is greatly appreciated. Email Ann Coakes to order Scrip Cards, or phone 951 693-5635.


Rose Care FUNdamentals

by Frank Brines, Master Consulting Rosarian

Frank Brines What a year so far! In most areas gardeners had to work in a pruning schedule between weather spurts. Even with late pruning many gardeners are or are about to have their first flush of blooms. Climate change is influencing the weather and effecting the usual pruning schedule. The erratic temperatures also have a bearing on the growth of our plants. Periods of heat encouraged vegetative growth encouraging bud formation with possibly shorter stems even though cool rains kept the soil cool.

If you want the fullest blooms possible, supply plenty of water to your plants, don't flood them though. For larger blooms apply greater amount of water when buds begin to swell and show color. But pay attention to the drainage of your soil-roses like plenty of water but they don't respond well to soggy soil.

Roses love food. Preferably good quality food. Regularly provided food. Not all fertilizers include all the micro/macro nutrients needed, so read the label on the packaging. Alternating the major fertilizer with fish emulsion every 2 weeks will help provide some of the micro nutrients. Continue fertilizing. As I always say, organics are much better for your soil and ultimately for your garden and the environment. Adding 1 cup of Epsom Salt (Magnesium of Sulfate) around to large size plants, ½ cup for smaller plants, in Spring and again in Fall can assist in getting new basal breaks (new canes).

The soil does need a supply of organic material such as humus incorporated into the depths. That isn't easily accomplished in established gardens, however adding a 3 to 4 inches of a good composted mulch over the entire garden, leaving a 12" circle open around base of each bush will go a long way to enriching your soil overall because earthworms help transport that mulch down into the soil where the microbiology is complex and multi-tiered. A healthy garden soil system is teeming with beneficial microbes that inhibit, compete with, and consume disease-causing organisms. This creates a sustainable soil "immune system." In fact, plants grown with organic fertilizers are themselves more resistant to pests and diseases. In addition, when you feed those beneficial organisms, they feed your roses. That's because they are busy breaking down organic matter and releasing mineral nutrients slowly and reliably. I've recently learned that extra phosphate in the fertilizer that you use is most important in assisting in creating a soil environment that aids immensely in helping plants to be resistant to pest and diseases. Also helping plants to develop hardier root systems and larger blooms.

Many gardeners become discouraged when they first experiment with organic treatments while still using chemical fertilizers. It is difficult—in fact, almost impossible—to have it both ways. Chemical fertilizers negatively impact the soil food web by poisoning entire portions of it. The fact is, chemical fertilizers are salts! What gardener hasn't seen what table salt does to a slug or snail? Salts absorb water and dehydrates the soil microbes which are the foundation of the soil nutrient system. Once you've used chemical fertilizers regularly you must keep adding more because the soil microbiology is weakened and unable to do its job of releasing naturally available nutrients to your plants. Rains help to leach accumulated soil salts from the soil, provided there is sufficient good drainage. Organic fertilizers and amendments (such as manure, compost, or mulch) break down slowly, generally staying where you put them, and don't contribute to ground water pollution (as long as you prevent run off into drains). In addition, they improve the soil food web, so in the long run you end up using less product.

Chemical fertilizers are artificial growth stimulants and, in the long run, harm your soil and pollute local waterways because as dissolved salts they quickly leach through the soil (becoming unavailable to your plants) and enter the ground water. How about swearing off chemical fertilizers for the rest of the year and starting to use organics? Give it a year. See if your roses don't reward you! Fish emulsion is also a good amendment to apply either foliarly or onto the soil around each bush.

It may be that you have had some blooms already. Keep spent blooms cut away. Cut the cane back to a outward facing bud at a 3-5 leaflet leaf for new growth. Air circulation is important to help prevent fungi diseases. The small spurs growing inside the bush can easily be finger prune to keep the center of the bush free of extraneous growth. Giving the bush an early morning shower to rinse off the leaves may help to avoid powdery mildew. Do this early enough that the leaves will dry prior to hot sun. It is possible that with night time dew a disease called botrytis can appear on the blooms, especially on blooms with 40 petals. Remove these as soon as disease is noticed. Even with great observations and preventive methods, fungi may become a problem and chemical treatment may be needed to keep disease at bay. Make sure to deep water. An extended slow watering is more beneficial than a frequently short application.

There are many opportunities in the next month or two to attend local rose shows and see, learn, smell different varieties. April 14-15 San Diego Rose Society will hold their annual Rose Show Liberty Station NTC Promenade. Watch for news of these shows and plan to attend at least one.

For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, as well as our web site at Spread the joy of roses!

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