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Temecula Valley Rose SocietyAn Affiliate of the American Rose Society![]() November 2017
![]() Coming up: Turkey Day |
Co-President's Messageby Rebecca Weersing![]() November is the month when we have our annual meeting and elect a new Board of Directors. The 2018 Board will begin making plans, establishing budgets, setting a new year in motion. In this interium period between the old and the new, let's enjoy friends, family and roses. A Rose By Any Other Name ... One ...by Jim MossDear Friends, I was recently contacted by a fellow member who invited me to continue to contribute articles for the "Valley Rose". My initial reaction was that we already have contributors who have written most everything we need to know about Roses, to wit: Frank keeps us updated on Rose care, Betty talks about the Little Rose Show, Bonnie gives us updates on Rose Haven, Victoria on the Tree of Life, and many others who bring to us important information about our organization. As a result, I was at a loss as to "what in the heck could I add to an already full pot". Well, after a bit (actually a LOT) of thinking, it occurred to me that there is a topic that, as far as I know, has never before been approached. It came to me that possibly nobody has discussed the myriad references to things connected to the Rose without mentioning either a variety or cultivar directly. Such things as saying "a person has rosy cheeks". The more I thought about this theme, the more I discovered a treasure trove of these references in our own language and idioms. The more I searched, the more I found. So, the substance of my articles will deal with these nonspecific references to our favorite flower, but on occasion I will have to name a certain Rose by name for the purposes of clarification. So I will contribute a series of articles relating to the many references to Roses. Hope you enjoy them. See you (in print) next month. Grocery Cards Benefit TVRS![]() ![]() |
Member Meeting ProgramLOOK HERE --> 2017 Programs & Events: Click hereDate: Thursday, November 16 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. See our new meeting schedule here. Place: Temecula Library, Community Room (30600 Pauba Rd., Temecula) Speaker: Member Panel Topic: Selecting Roses for Special Gardens A light buffet luncheon will be served at 11:30. Guests are welcome. November Birthdays & New Members
Rose Haven Gardenby Bonnie Bell![]() The Southwest area is quite lovely right now. The first photo shows a stunning red-orange Anna Wheatcroft rose in the foreground next to a Whitewire bush with yellow Mexican marigold in the background. Can you spot the the owl box in the trees? Better bring some binoculars to see if there are any inhabitants. Photo 2 is looking up to the gazebo from the same area. This entire area is planted with water-wise shrubs including California natives.
We will skip our November garden committee meeting but plan on meeting December 27th at 9:30. The meeting location is at the garden, 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula. We review garden projects and improvements, maintenance, and even discuss the budget for 2018. Members interested are always welcome to attend the meeting. Rose Haven garden is at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd. in Temecula. |
Rose Care FUNdamentalsby Frank Brines, Master Consulting Rosarian![]() Lookalikes: Spot anthracnose (shot-hole disease) is not a major problem unless it is very hot (too hot for black spot). Spots caused by black spot are fuzzy around the edges, then turn yellow and brown. Spots caused by anthracnose are smooth edged and the centers turn grey and drop out. Treatment is the same, but if a pesticide is used, it must be labeled for black spot or anthracnose, whichever disease you are treating.
Roses benefit from a good rinsing to remove accumulated dust: be sure to keep moisture off the blossoms to prevent yet another fungal disease Botrytis. which will appear as rot of blossoms and will usually prevent them from opening. If you completed the light mid-season pruning in September/October as suggested in an earlier article, you pruned out dead, crossing canes, and thinned the middle of the plant. This will improve air circulation through the bush and reduce possible fungal diseases. This mid-season pruning and fertilizing encourages a new blooming cycle. Cutting some of the early blooms now (and taking inside for bouquets) can help ensure having blooms around Thanksgiving. If you stagger your bloom cutting, you might have some for your December holiday table. That might is the big unknown, the main factor being the temperature (again). The average first frost date in our area is about November 17. |
You may make a final application of fertilizer for the year before mid-November. Unless you plan to exhibit I do not recommend fertilizing after mid October. If you do this, use a fertilizer lower in Nitrogen (N) and higher in Phosphate (P) and Potassium (K); that is, if your fertilizer has an N-P-K number on it, the first digit will be lower than the other two. If it lacks an N-P-K, read the ingredients and/or ask your professional nursery person for guidance. To explain: Nitrogen encourages foliage growth-something we want to discourage as the plants go into their winter dormancy; Phosphate helps build root structure and resistance to stressful conditions (e.g., cold at this time of year); Potassium is a helper of Phosphate and aids in bloom quality. If you use an organic fertilizer it will be readily available when the soil warms, adding to the nutrients needed for that Spring growth spurt. Remember to check your garden daily for any changes. Be sure to keep them hydrated for best results. The cooler temperatures can be misleading. Roses still need to be watered, perhaps not as often. Don't apply fertilizer after mid-November because it will only encourage tender growth that could be damaged by frost and will forestall your roses going into dormancy as the soil and general environment cool, daylight shortens, etc. Some people think Southern California lacks distinct seasons, but we do have seasons: They are only discerned by those with a more sophisticated palette! So get out of the house and enjoy the subtle delights of the air, sun, and the rich aroma of our magically misty Fall. When you have a moment to spare, or feel the need to get away, or when the day cools down, take your favorite healthy beverage, a picnic basket, and visit Rose Haven Heritage Garden, 30592 Jedediah Smith Road, Temecula (cross street is Cabrillo Avenue). The early morning and late afternoon sunlight across the pass is magical this time of year-it even makes the freeway seem a little bit romantic! Other venues this time of year are available for your interest; check out the website http:pswdroses.org/calendat.html. Oh, one last thing-something to do when it gets just a bit too nippy out there: Start perusing rose catalogs (printed and online) for that next "gotta have" rose variety. (Come on-you deserve it! You work hard to have lovely roses, so let yourself go!) And we expect to see you enter that perfect bloom in the next rose show in April 2018!) Also, this time of year many nurseries and garden stores are liquidating their remaining inventory of potted roses-and you're in luck because November is an ideal time to purchase and plant! Nurseries will have their winter shipments first of December. Make your list of new roses and go shopping, if you plan to replace an old tired plant prepare the area now for easier planting later. Until next month, Happy Roses to you! For more ideas, visit TVRS' Rose Haven garden at 30592 Jedediah Smith Rd., Temecula, as well as our web site at TemeculaValleyRoseSociety.org/index.shtml. Spread the joy of roses! Jump to page top. |