Temecula Valley Rose Society

Established 1991

2020 Standing Rules

By-laws Committee

Standing Rules

Standing rule 2011-1
Membership dues shall be: Individual, $25; Family, $30; Lifetime, $250; New member badges are $10.
Standing rule 2011-2
A membership folder shall be published in March and distributed to members. It will contain a roster for member use only and may not be distributed outside the society. Members may choose what personal information they want published in the roster. The folder will also contain the society's by‑laws, standing rules, and calendar of monthly programs and special events for the year.
Standing rule 2011-3
All monthly expenditures shall be ratified by the board and placed in the minutes. Any non-budgeted expenditure over $100 must be approved by the board.
Standing rule 2011-4
Newsletters are provided to members monthly except July.
Standing rule 2011-5
Annual dues must be paid by the last day of February for member names to be placed in the annual directory.
Standing rule 2011-6
Sales of items at member monthly meetings by individuals or groups outside the society will be at the discretion of the program committee.
Standing rule 2011-7
Donations to groups outside the society will be handled on a case‑by‑case basis with board approval.
Standing rule 2011-8
Post office box keys are kept by two officers of the board. Storage unit keys are kept by two board members.
Standing rule 2011-9
Requests for inclusion in the annual budget shall be made to the budget committee by the November board meeting, for board approval in December.
Standing rule 2011-10
No board member nor member‑at‑large can commit the time of other society members without their express approval.
Standing rule 2011-11
Committees shall meet at least quarterly and utilize the reserved one‑hour time period following the monthly member meeting for committee business. The meeting room is available until 2 p.m.
Standing rule 2014-1
A condition of TVRS Board membership is an annual cash donation to the society general fund from each board member.
Standing rule 2019-1
Member garden tours are for members, their friends and possible new members only. There will be no public notices.

Approved October 2011; Revision 1 January 2014; Revision 2 December 2019.