1. Due to limited space Reservations are required and will be taken on a First Come basis; only one reservation per person. By 5 PM on Wednesday, February 8 email Rebecca Weersing at temroses@gmail.com or phone 951-595-7046 stating that you would like to enter a table setting, a tray setting, or one of each (max 2 per Exhibitor). Indicate whether you want to enter (a) organic materials or (b) inorganic materials. Exhibits will be judged by TVRS meeting attendees as a "Peoples' Choice"
2. On Thursday, February 16 bring your creation(s) to the library, Room B (opposite the Friends of the Library book store). Between 10 AM and 10:30 AM each exhibitor will assemble their exhibit in their assigned spot.
3. Roses must be the dominant flower whether the exhibitor is using organic or inorganic materials. Do not include food as part of the exhibit. Please provide a name for your exhibit on the entry tag.
4. For organic exhibits: stem-on-stem garden roses are allowed. Commercial roses may also be used. Do not mix garden and commercial roses in any arrangement. Please include rose names for garden roses on the entry tag. Unknown rose names must be labeled "unknown". Arrangers are responsible for the watering of their arrangements. Arrangements will only be moved if necessary.
5. For inorganic exhibits: dried, glass, ceramic, and silk flowers are allowed. Do not mix materials.
6. A Tray exhibit consists of one place setting with an artistic floral arrangement. The tray size is not to exceed 15" x 20". There is a limit of 12 entries (which is why reservations are required).
7. A Table exhibit consists of two place settings with an artistic floral arrangement. The table size is not to exceed 24" x 36". Larger tables will be shared, with 2 exhibits per table. There is a limit of 8 Table entries.
8. TVRS will not be liable for any loss or damage. All entries become the property of TVRS during the event hours. Exhibitors will pick up their entries promptly between 12:30 and 1:30 PM. Entries not picked up become the property of the Rose Society.
Division Artistic Exhibits
Class 1 - Tray Setting for Onea. Organic Materials
b. Inorganic Materials
Class 2 - Table Setting for Two
a. Organic Materials
b. Inorganic Materials